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Industry Hot Spots | Changxing police successfully smashed a gang that made and sold fake Huawei mobile phones! More than 2,000 are involved!

The crackdown on solving cases is vigorous
Service enterprise acceleration
Changxing Public Security sounded the "Four Doubles to Create Excellence and Enterprise Heart"
The clarion call for the charge of the defense enterprise
Successfully smashed a gang that made and sold fake Huawei mobile phones
Escort enterprises to develop well and rapidly

In a small village on the border between Shantou and Puning in Guangdong, Lin Dabao is working hard in a five-story building called "Zhenxing" - taking out a worn-out Huawei mobile phone, removing the back cover and mobile phone screen, picking out the same model from a pile of "new accessories" on the table, and in less than 10 minutes, a brand-new Huawei mobile phone is "refurbished".

Lin Dabao stretched his waist and began to pack and send couriers. The 36 mobile phones on the table will be delivered to buyers all over the country in the form of "new and genuine products".

Yes, this is a gang that makes and sells fake Huawei phones. Wang Shenxue, captain of the Environmental Investigation Brigade of the Changxing County Public Security Bureau, has been closely "eyeing" this gang. Just last week, evidence of the gang was finally gathered.

According to the "No. 1 Reform Project" deployed by the province to optimize and improve the business environment, Changxing Public Security has implemented the "Four Excellence and Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurship Heart" reform project, of which the key part is to comprehensively optimize the mechanism of protecting enterprises and severely crack down on enterprise-related crimes. When the time was ripe, the Changxing police decided to close the net and fired a shot to protect domestic brands. But Wang Shenxue never expected that this arrest did not develop according to their "plan", and the scene was not only full of emergencies, but the suspect actually "resisted desperately" ......

Newly purchased mobile phones are often stuck

Follow the vine to touch the melon and "star" at home

A mobile phone "refurbished" in the "revitalization" building was sold to Changxing. If Lin Dabao can predict the future scene, he may use more "heart" for this mobile phone.

Because the buyer, Mr. Zhang, felt that "something was wrong" after unpacking it. Within a few days of using it, the software stuttered and crashed. The more Mr. Zhang thought about it, the more wrong he became, so he directly found the Market Supervision Bureau, and after the appraisal of Changxing Huawei's agency, what Mr. Zhang bought was indeed a refurbished second-hand mobile phone.

The clues were quickly handed over to the Changxing County Public Security Bureau. In recent years, Changxing Public Security has always made every effort to escort the development of enterprises, solve more cases, quickly solve cases, quickly recover stolen goods and recover losses, and strive to create the safest and most high-quality city with a law-based business environment. In order to crack the "refurbished" Huawei mobile phone case as soon as possible, Wang Shenxue, as the head of the department, took over the case. Deputy Director Zhang Liexing quickly organized a special team to study and investigate, and with the support of the Environmental Investigation Detachment of the Municipal Bureau, the veil of the "team" was torn apart.

The owners of the online store are a pair of brothers: Lu Lao Er and Lu Lao Liu, from Puning, Guangdong, who do e-commerce business in Shenzhen. They have a total of 3 stores, in addition to selling keyboards, mice and other electronic products, it is a variety of Huawei mobile phones, some are written brand new, some are marked 99 new, generally one or two hundred lower than the market price, sales are very good, all show that hundreds of units have been sold.

Investigators searched for melons and found that the strange thing is that the delivery places of these mobile phones are all in Puning, Guangdong. Why don't you ship from the Shenzhen store? Is Puning a home? How many people are in this gang?

In order to find out the details, Zhang Liexing sent 2 investigators all the way to Shenzhen and Puning.

Peeling back the layers of "family business"

Sound the rallying cry of "health enterprise".

Half a month later, the 2 people returned with a full load, and the story of a "family business" was presented one by one in the investigation center of the Changxing County Public Security Bureau.

"The main culprits are two brothers in Shenzhen, the strong one is Lu Lao Liu, and the thin one is Lu Lao Er." On the big screen in the center, photos and identification information of the brothers appeared. They have a studio, in room 1416 of a building in Futian District, Shenzhen, where there are also 2 employees, and they need a fingerprint lock or password to enter.

The brothers usually go to the studio in the afternoon, and in the morning they often go to "Huaqiangbei", which is known as "China's first electronic street". That's where they buy used phones and related accessories.

"There is also a merchant in the market who helps them buy a large number of second-hand Huawei mobile phones, and about 30 units are packed into a large cardboard box, and the brothers will go to pick them up once every 2 or 3 days, which seems to be a lot of money." The investigators told the investigation in detail, and the brothers were very aware of anti-reconnaissance, and they would not send the second-hand phones directly to the Puning den, but to the town, and the personnel there would go and pick them up on their own.

Another group of Shantou investigators immediately followed up and introduced, "According to Pai Mo, this is a 'refurbished' mobile phone studio, which is in charge of Lin Dabao, the cousin of the Lu family, and there are 2 employees under him. All refurbished mobile phones are sent by them, and the price of a refurbished one is 30 yuan. ”

As a well-known domestic brand, the emergence of "refurbished machines" not only harms the rights and interests of consumers, but also damages the corporate image of the brand, and may also have major safety risks. The Changxing Public Security quickly sounded the clarion call to protect enterprises and excellent businessmen. After finding out all the details and collecting a large amount of evidence, in early February, when the net was about to be closed, Zhang Liexing, as a "second-level hero model of the national public security system" and the leader of the investigation and crackdown, decided to lead a team to Shenzhen to arrest him.

The arrest plan has changed!

Hurricane fights bravely to capture the "enemy"

On February 11, Zhang Liexing, Wang Shenxue and the staff of the Market Supervision Bureau came to Shenzhen and were divided into 4 groups, Squatting Building, Huaqiangbei and the Lu brothers' home. Another 1 group of people was arranged to go to Puning, and 3 groups of people went to Shantou to prepare for the simultaneous collection of nets.

Step on the spot and determine the rules of life of the Lu brothers...... In the early morning of February 13, in Zhang Liexing's room, an arrest meeting was held. "In order to get all the stolen goods, our arrest time has to be placed in the daytime, but this also means that there will be more accidents......" Plan A and Plan B were discussed until the early hours of the morning, and they finalized the specific details of the arrest.

At 10 o'clock in the morning on February 14, a van stopped outside a building in Futian District. Zhang Liexing and Wang Shenxue sat inside, observing the movements of the two brothers, while the rest of the arresters were scattered everywhere.

At 11:20, "Lu Lao Liu is here, all groups pay attention." A scout disguised himself followed him up to the 14th floor. According to the past, Lu Lao Er should have appeared after lunch. But on this day, they waited until 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and Lu Lao Er was late. And the "accident" is not over -

Lu Lao Er stopped the electric car and walked towards the building, Wang Shenxue followed, and after entering the elevator, another colleague disguised as a delivery boy "took over". The best opportunity to do it should have been when Lu Lao Er arrived at 1416, and the moment he opened the curfew, the "delivery man" held down the door, and other ambush colleagues followed to arrest him.






Lu Lao Liu was still sitting on the sofa at the door of the studio at this time, making phone calls. Wang Shenxue didn't wait for him to react, so she pressed him. Unexpectedly, Lu Lao Liu didn't tie his hands and arrested, and the 200-pound strong man began to scuffle, and shouted at the studio, "Smash things!" Zhang Liexing and the other 2 investigators also joined them, and the five of them scuffled all the way to the corridor before subduing Lu Lao Liu! On the other side, the arresting team kicked open the door of the studio, and everyone was stolen!

"1416 successfully closed the net, and the remaining three groups began to arrest!" ......

"Changxing Public Security launched the 'Four Excellence and Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Heart' project, playing a combination of health enterprises, protection enterprises, security enterprises, and benefiting enterprises. Everyone is a business environment. It is our bounden duty to crack down on illegal crimes involving enterprises. We will always maintain the righteousness of taking responsibility and the spirit of 'sharp sword', fully defend the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises' intellectual property rights, and effectively create a law-based business environment. Zhang Liexing, who led the team to triumph, said firmly.

It is reported that this time, the Changxing police arrested a total of 7 criminal suspects, successfully smashed a counterfeiting den, seized 249 finished Huawei "refurbished machines", 219 Huawei empty packaging boxes, more than 500 screen assemblies for assembly, more than 300 back covers for assembly of mobile phones and a large number of items involved in the case.

After a preliminary investigation, the gang mainly produces fake Huawei P30, Huawei P40, Huawei MATE20 and other models, and currently produces and sells at least 15,000 units, with a value of more than 2,000 yuan.

At present, 7 criminal suspects have been taken criminal compulsory measures on suspicion of counterfeiting registered trademarks, and the cases are being further handled.

Source: Zhejiang Legal News