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Corporate Culture | Warm Women's Day -- Kane Topology Company carried out caring activities for female employees


The world is beautiful because of you

All good things belong to you

May today also be every goddess

Ordinary and happy everyday


March is warm, and the feeling is stronger. On March 8, in order to celebrate the 113th "March 8" International Women's Day, and thank all the female employees of the company for their hard work and selfless dedication, Cairn Topology Intellectual Property Services (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. carried out the "Warm Women's Day" activity, invited them to get together to celebrate the arrival of the festival, and sent them holiday greetings and sincere greetings

Mr. Huang, vice president of Cairn Topology and the main leaders, jointly wish all the female employees of the company a happy holiday! And send the company's care to their hearts, and thank you, as the "half sky" of the company, for always sticking to their posts, working hard, and making important contributions to the development of the company. Here, on behalf of the company, sincerely say "hard work" to all female employees



Cairn Topology Limited Care on Women's Day

At every important festival, Cairn Topology will express its concern for employees. This humanized management policy has been supported by all employees, warmed every employee, increased the sense of belonging of employees, and also stimulated the unlimited enthusiasm of everyone to love and work, so that the company has formed a good corporate centripetal force and cohesion


Finally, I wish all female employees always healthy, confident and beautiful! I hope you will continue to carry forward the spirit of "self-reliance, self-confidence and self-improvement" in the future, improve your own quality, give full play to your intelligence in your work, take the advanced as an example, be loyal, dedicated, and dedicated, give full play to the role of "half the sky" in your work, contribute to the strength of women, work hard for the development of the company, and make new and greater contributions