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Company News | CANTOOP Strives Together, Innovates Together, and Exhibits Brilliance - The 2023 CANTOOP year-end summary conference and welcome party has been successfully held!


The 2023 CANTOOP IP Service (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. year-end summary conference and welcome party was successfully held from January 30 to January 31, 2024 at Anxin Resort Hotel in Chongming District, Shanghai, with the slogan "CANTOOP Advancing Together, Joining Hands, Innovating Together, and Exhibiting Brilliance"! This annual meeting is divided into three parts: the 2023 year-end summary meeting, the 2024 welcome party, and the special training on "Workplace Business Etiquette".

Large group photo


2023 year-end summary meeting


On January 30th at 9:00 sharp, CANTOOP held a grand 2023 year-end summary meeting at Anxin Resort Hotel in Chongming District. The conference was chaired by Mr. Huang Guihua, Vice President of the company, and was attended by Yang Guodong, the leader of the company and the person in charge of the science and technology innovation sector, all employees, as well as the Chief Engineer of WORLD FOCUS Energy Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Niu Ji, the Director of Operations, and Cao Qianjun, the General Manager of the Southwest Branch.


On site of the conference


Mr. Huang Guihua, Vice President of CANTOOP


At the meeting, the client department, business expansion department, intellectual property department, and various execution departments shared real cases of their assistance to national law enforcement agencies in cracking down on domestic and foreign intellectual property infringement crimes through PowerPoint presentations. These cases cover a complete set of operational ideas and processes, including clue mining, data analysis, on-site investigation, law enforcement coordination, on-site crackdown, and post case follow-up. These cases not only reflect the professional abilities of the CANTOOP business team, but also share their skills and insights on case operations.


Customer department real case sharing

 Business Development Department Real Case Sharing


Real case sharing of the execution department


Subsequently, Mr. Yuan Dade, President of CANTOOP, summarized and summarized the sharing. He highly praised the efforts and cooperation of various departments, and hoped that everyone could work together better in the future. At the same time, Mr. Yuan introduced the company's new business development direction to everyone, including WORLD FOCUS Energy Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. in the field of energy-saving services and WORLD FAMOUS Circular Economy Technology Development (Beijing) Co., Ltd. in the field of environmental science and technology innovation, and requested all employees to work together to achieve the first "small goal" belonging to CANTOOP.


Mr. Yuan Dade, President of CANTOOP




Finally, Mr. Wu Jiang, the chairman of the company, delivered a concluding speech. He reviewed the development process of the company, shared the stories of the early days of its establishment, and particularly mentioned that even in the face of physical illness, Mr. Yuan still led the team to fight on the front line, assisting the national law enforcement agencies in cracking down on crime. He fully demonstrated the spirit of hard work and iron man of "going up if conditions permit, and going up even if conditions permit". He had a tenacious fighting spirit in the face of difficulties, was able to withstand training in overcoming difficulties, and was good at solving problems in the face of various contradictions. This reflects Mr. Yuan's tenacious attitude towards difficulties and the steel will to work hard and start a business, which greatly inspired, uplifted, and boosted everyone's confidence. It also made everyone aware that the cases operated by the company's development to this day have been repeatedly successful. "Top 10 Intellectual Property Protection Cases of the Year", The company has gained a deeper understanding of becoming the "Intellectual Property Consulting Service Office" of the Industry Cluster Planning Professional Committee of the China Building Materials Circulation Association and the "Global Excellent Partner" and "Excellent Intellectual Property Service Provider" of many enterprises.



Mr. Wu Jiang, Chairman of CANTOOP


He also expressed recognition and pride in the company's achievements and honors in intellectual property protection, and provided prospects for future business development. He stated that the company will continue to innovate and provide one-stop intellectual property consulting and practical services for various types of rights confirmation, use, and protection, and will focus on developing intellectual property rights services to enable rights holders to obtain more benefits. At the same time, the company will actively develop its science and technology innovation business, establish WORLD FOCUS Energy Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. and WORLD FAMOUS Circular Economy Technology Development (Beijing) Co., Ltd. through effective transformation of patent technology achievements, and provide innovative motor efficiency improvement solutions, environmental governance, and resource utilization services to actively respond to the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on carbon peaking and carbon neutrality.



The atmosphere of the year-end summary conference was warm and solemn, filled with a review of the past year and a beautiful vision for the future. Through this conference, employees not only gained an understanding of the company's development achievements and future plans, but also strengthened their confidence and determination in the company's development. I believe that with the joint efforts of everyone, CANTOOP will usher in a more brilliant future!


 2024 New Year's Eve Gala


On January 30th at 18:30, the CANTOOP 2024 New Year's Eve Gala was successfully held in the banquet hall of Anxin Resort Hotel in Chongming District, Shanghai. This evening party is not only a summary of the past year, but also an outlook on future goals.



Review of highlights of the evening party


Dual host debut



Li Minjie, the Director of Business Development, and Yuan Qian, the Customer Service Director of the Customer Department, co hosted the event, and their tacit cooperation added a lot of color to the party.


Leader's speech



Mr. Yuan, the President of the company, took the stage to deliver a speech. On behalf of all the leaders of the company, he expressed high respect and heartfelt gratitude to all employees, and encouraged everyone to work together in the new year to create new brilliance.


Honor Moment




Chairman Wu announced the list of outstanding employees and then held a grand award ceremony. Wu presented certificates, trophies, and took a group photo to commemorate the award-winning employees.


Literary and artistic performances


Song "As Wish" - Customer Department



Song "Half Moon Serenade" - Executive Department



Dance "Song Crossfire" - Executive Department



Dance "Wota Art" - Customer Department



Song "Old Town Road" - Customer Department


Lucky Draw



Fourth Prize

Presenters: Vice President Li Zi (left) and Partner Law Firm Lawyer Jiang (right)



Third Prize

Presenters: Vice President Lian Xin (left) and Partner Law Firm Mr. Gu (right)



Second Prize

Presenter: Vice President Huang Guihua



First prize

Presenter: President Yuan Dade




Special Prize

Presenter: Chairman Wu Jiang


Long lasting affection


The 2024 CANTOOP New Year's Eve Gala, "CANTOOP Strives Together, Innovates Together, and Exhibits Brilliance," is intertwined with laughter and emotion. The entire event not only showcases the artistic talent of CANTOOP employees, but also incorporates deep emotions. Each program embodies the spirit of CANTOOP people: striving for excellence, focusing on progress, and being practical and innovative.






This evening party is not only a recognition of the efforts made in the past year, but also a hopeful departure for the future. CANTOOP people will continue to work together to create a better tomorrow for the company!





Special Training on Workplace Business Etiquette


In order to further enhance the professional competence of all CANTOOP employees and showcase the company's professional image and spirit. On January 31st at 9:00 sharp, CANTOOP organized a special training on "Workplace Business Etiquette" at Anxin Resort Hotel in Chongming District, Shanghai, and all CANTOOP employees actively participated.



Mr. Yuan Dade, President of CANTOOP

Mr. Huang Guihua, Vice President of CANTOOP



(From left to right) Li Minjie, Director of Business Development at CANTOOP,

Director of Intellectual Property Department Liu Jiaojiao, Vice President Li Zi,

Lawyer Jiang and Customer Service Director Yu Bo from the cooperating law firm


Cao Qianjun (left), General Manager of WORLD FOCUS Southwest Branch,

WORLD FOCUS Operations Director Niu Ji (right)


This training was fortunate enough to invite Mr. Hong Hui, a global CPD international etiquette trainer and a specially appointed etiquette lecturer from the World Federation of Fine Arts, as the keynote speaker. Teacher Hong has rich experience in etiquette training and has provided professional etiquette training for various enterprises over the years, including government agencies, financial institutions, European and American foreign-funded enterprises, etc.



Training instructor Ms. Hong Hui



At the beginning of the training, Teacher Hong emphasized the true meaning and connotation of workplace etiquette. She pointed out that workplace etiquette not only reflects a person's quality and cultivation, but also a way to respect others and the workplace. The course content covers multiple aspects such as image management, business socializing, business reception, and online communication. Through case studies and interactive reinforcement, students can better understand and apply knowledge of workplace business etiquette and image.



Business Handshake Etiquette Practice



Business Handshake Etiquette Practice



Practical Practice of Business Meeting Etiquette



Business Introduction Etiquette Practice



Business Leading Etiquette Practice



Business Leading Etiquette Practice


We firmly believe that the details of business etiquette in the workplace are crucial. CANTOOP will take this training as an opportunity to further enhance the professional quality of employees, enhance personal qualities, and shape the corporate image. At the same time, we will continuously explore the connotation of corporate culture to help the overall work of the company continuously improve quality and efficiency. 




Student Notes


Thank you, Teacher Hong, for your wonderful explanation and sharing, as well as for the active participation and support of all employees. The 2023 CANTOOP IP Service (Shanghai) Co., Ltd./year-end summary conference and welcome party came to a successful conclusion with the completion of the special training on "Workplace Business Etiquette". In the future, let us work together to practice the spirit of knowing, understanding, and using etiquette, laying a solid foundation for the future development of CANTOOP.