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Company News | Injecting "Source Power" into Innovation through Intellectual Property Education - Qiandongnan Technician College Special Session on "Intellectual Property in Campus" Series Activities



Qiandongnan Technician College


In order to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, actively promote the construction of a strong intellectual property country, cultivate the innovative spirit of young people and reserve talents for scientific and technological innovation, create a good social atmosphere of "respecting labor, respecting knowledge, respecting talents, and respecting creativity", and enhance the awareness of intellectual property protection in the whole society, Kane Topo Intellectual Property Services (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., in conjunction with Qiandongnan Technician College, launched a series of "Intellectual Property on campus" activities on December 14, 2023. The purpose of this event is to promote intellectual property related knowledge to teachers and students through a special lecture on intellectual property conducted by Mr. Yuan of Kane Topo Company, inspiring their enthusiasm for respecting intellectual property and pursuing innovation. The lecture was hosted by Professor Jiang Hui, Deputy Director of the Department of Network Information, and attracted nearly 200 faculty and students from the college.



Mr. Jiang Hui, Deputy Director of the Department of Network Information 


Special lecture site


In the lecture, Mr. Yuan from Kane Topology Company, based on his over 20 years of work experience in the intellectual property industry, gave a detailed introduction to the concept, development, role, and protection of intellectual property to teachers and students under the theme of "Technology Innovation and Intellectual Property Education Practice". Through sharing real cases related to copyright protection, patent protection, trademark protection, unfair competition, etc., he popularized intellectual property legal knowledge to teachers and students in simple and easy to understand language and in the form of case interpretation, explaining the leading and promoting role of intellectual property in innovative development.



Mr. Yuan,CANTOOP IP Service (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.




The atmosphere at the lecture was lively, and the students actively participated in interaction, learning a lot about intellectual property protection from it. Mr. Yuan from Kane Topology Company explains the importance of protecting intellectual property rights for innovative development, inspiring and guiding students to courageously pursue innovation, continuously enhance their awareness of technological innovation, improve their creative and practical abilities, and also learn to protect their intellectual property rights, contributing to the future development of science and technology. 





The campus lecture on intellectual property rights has achieved significant promotional results, improving the understanding of intellectual property rights among teachers and students, and deeply instilling the cultural concept of "respecting knowledge, advocating innovation, integrity, and fair competition" in people's hearts. This not only helps to stimulate the passion and motivation of students for invention and independent innovation, but also creates a good atmosphere for promoting the high-quality development of the college and promoting the awareness of respecting and protecting intellectual property rights in the whole society.








Next, Kane Topo Intellectual Property Services (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. will continue to be committed to promoting intellectual property popularization and educational activities in major universities. We will collaborate with universities such as Chongqing University, Southwest Petroleum University, Kaili College, Guizhou Electronic Information Vocational and Technical College, and Qiandongnan Technician College to establish a joint education program in the field of intellectual property. The aim is to inspire students to respect intellectual property and advocate for innovation, and create a favorable campus environment for protecting intellectual property and transforming intellectual property achievements.


We believe that through these activities, more young people will understand and respect intellectual property rights, enhance their innovation awareness and ability, and make greater contributions to the future development of our country. At the same time, we also hope that all sectors of society can pay more attention to the importance of intellectual property education, and jointly promote China to become a world-class intellectual property power.