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May Day | Protect intellectual property rights and protect the fruits of our labor


The origin of May Day

In the 19th century, the United States and many European countries gradually developed from capitalism to the stage of imperialism, in order to stimulate the rapid development of the economy, extract more surplus value, and maintain this high-speed capitalist machine, the capitalists constantly adopted the method of increasing the working time and labor intensity to brutally exploit the workers.

In July 1889, the Second International, led by Engels, held a congress in Paris. The conference adopted a resolution establishing a procession of international workers on 1 May 1890 and decided to designate May 1 as International Workers' Day.

In December 1949, the Administrative Council of the Central People's Government made a decision to designate May 1 as Labor Day. After 1989, the State Council basically commended national model workers and advanced workers every five years, and about 3,000 people were commended each time.

On February 21, 2023, Changxing police rushed to Guangdong, more than 1,000 kilometers away. After several days of squatting and placing, with the assistance of the local police, seven suspects, including Yu Moumou, Ma Moumou, and Zheng Moumou, were arrested on the spot, and this counterfeiting workshop was smashed in one fell swoop.

Since August 2021, the gang has sold more than 1,500 "refurbished" mobile phones on the platform, with a value of about one million yuan.

After interrogation by the Changxing Public Security, Yu Moumou and other 7 people confessed to participating in the production and sale of counterfeit and shoddy products. At present, 7 criminal suspects have been taken criminal compulsory measures on suspicion of counterfeiting registered trademarks, and the cases are being further handled.

So, what should we do if the fruits of our intellectual labor are violated? How can we protect our rights and interests in the fruits of intellectual labor and defend our intellectual property rights?

What is Intellectual Property

Intellectual property rights, also known as "intellectual property rights", refer to "the property rights enjoyed by the right holder to the results created by his intellectual labor", which are generally only valid for a limited time. Intellectual creations such as inventions, designs, literary and artistic works, as well as signs, names, and images used in commerce, can be considered intellectual property owned by an individual or organization.

Just as citizens' property rights and creditor's rights should be protected, in the era of knowledge economy, knowledge itself is wealth, and knowledge must of course be protected, and the protection is not less than that of other physical objects, and it is very necessary for citizens to understand the protection of intellectual property rights.

The role of intellectual property

1. It provides legal protection for the rights and interests of those who complete intellectual achievements, and mobilizes people's enthusiasm and creativity in scientific and technological research and the creation of literary and artistic works.

2. It provides a legal mechanism for the popularization, application and dissemination of intellectual achievements, and transforms intellectual achievements into productive forces and applies them to production and construction, resulting in huge economic and social benefits.

3. It provides legal norms for international economic, technological, trade, cultural and artistic exchanges, and promotes the progress of human civilization and economic development.

4. As an important part of modern civil and commercial law, the intellectual property legal system is of great significance to improving China's legal system and building a country under the rule of law.

A review of
Cairtop's intellectual property protection work

On February 7, 2023, Captain Chen of the Food and Drug Ring Brigade of the Luqiao Branch of the Public Security Bureau of Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province visited our company to guide the business, which was also the first Zhejiang police to visit our company after the Spring Festival in 2023.
On March 2, 2023, the Intellectual Property Protection Training and Exchange Conference of American International Brand Companies of Car Care and Auxiliary Products was successfully held in Cairn Topology Intellectual Property Service (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

On February 14, 2023, the Changxing police arrested a total of 7 criminal suspects, successfully destroyed a counterfeiting den, and seized 249 "refurbished machines" of a well-known domestic brand mobile phone, 219 empty packaging boxes, more than 500 screen assemblies for assembly, and more than 300 back covers for assembly mobile phones.

After a preliminary investigation, the gang mainly produces fake mobile phones, and currently produces and sells at least 15,000 units, with a value of more than 2,000 yuan.
At present, seven criminal suspects have been taken criminal compulsory measures on suspicion of counterfeiting registered trademarks.

On February 21, 2023, Changxing police rushed to Guangdong, more than 1,000 kilometers away. After several days of squatting and placing, with the assistance of the local police, seven suspects including Yu Moumou, Ma Moumou, and Zheng Moumou were arrested on the spot, and this well-known foreign brand mobile phone workshop was destroyed in one fell swoop.

Since August 2021, the gang has sold more than 1,500 "refurbished" mobile phones on the platform, with a value of about one million yuan.

After interrogation by the Changxing Public Security, Yu Moumou and other 7 people confessed to participating in the production and sale of counterfeit and shoddy products. At present, 7 criminal suspects have been taken criminal compulsory measures on suspicion of counterfeiting registered trademarks, and the cases are being further handled.

From March 9 to 10, 2023, the Luqiao Branch of the Taizhou Municipal Public Security Bureau was divided into three roads, and successfully destroyed a well-known brand charger in Shenzhen, Jiangmen, Guangdong and Weihai, Shandong Province, 5 dens of various types, arrested 12 suspects, took compulsory measures against 5 people, and seized more than 50,000 chargers involved in the case, with an amount of more than 1,000 yuan, and behind this case, the cause was only a small charger.



Under the deployment of the Ministry of Public Security, the Zhejiang Provincial Public Security Department, the Taizhou Municipal Public Security Bureau, and other public security organs at all levels, the people's police of the special case group were divided into six groups and went to Putian, Fujian, and Wuhan, Hubei, to carry out a centralized and unified network collection operation.

On July 6, 2022, after a long period of arrest, the police arrested a total of 46 criminal suspects, destroyed 2 production dens, 2 warehousing dens, 2 foreign trade sales dens, 2 international logistics companies, 1 network operation and maintenance studio, and seized more than 1,800 pairs of counterfeit foreign well-known sports brand finished shoes, more than 50,000 shoe materials, and more than 8,000 yuan of funds involved in the case.