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Intellectual Property Classroom | Agency filing issues


Q: Excuse me?

1. Is it necessary for a trademark agent to fill in the information of the person in charge? Is it possible to fill in other practitioners?

2. If the person in charge is required, but the person in charge has not paid social security in the company, can other supporting evidence be provided? For example, the Articles of Association.

3. If the filing still fails, how long does it take to file again with the new filing agency?

1. The information of the registered trademark agency practitioners will be associated with the trademark agency business, that is, the filing trademark agency practitioners can submit the trademark agency business, sign and bear legal responsibility, and the trademark agency practitioners who have not filed cannot submit the trademark agency business. Please decide whether to fill in the person in charge according to whether the person in charge is engaged in the business of submitting to the trademark agency.

2. If you fill in the person in charge, you can upload the certificate issued by the company and affix the official seal to prove that the person is the person in charge, which is consistent with the business license.

3. What is the ICP filing? If the new filing is not approved, it can be submitted again, and the review period is 15-20 working days; If you re-file and the review is not passed, please pay attention to the follow-up announcement of the State Intellectual Property Office.

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Source: State Intellectual Property Office