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Industry News | The Shenzhou-15 flight crew has advocated a focus on intellectual property rights on the Chinese space station

Chinanews.com, Beijing, April 20 (Reporter Sun Zifa) China's 2023 National Intellectual Property Publicity Week was launched on April 20, and Fei Junlong, commander of the Shenzhou-15 flight crew, and astronauts Deng Qingming and Zhang Lu were invited to send congratulatory videos for the publicity week activities on the China Space Station, advocating to pay attention to intellectual property rights, protect innovation, and build a dream.
The launching ceremony of the 2023 National Intellectual Property Publicity Week was held online in Beijing on the same day, and on-site activities were held simultaneously at five sub-venues, including Liaoning Province, Jiangsu Province, Hubei Province, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and Guangzhou City.
The theme of this year's publicity week is "Strengthening the Legal Protection of Intellectual Property Rights and Strongly Supporting Comprehensive Innovation", which is jointly led by the State Intellectual Property Office, the Publicity Department of the Central Committee (National Copyright Administration) and the State Administration for Market Regulation, and jointly organized by 18 departments and units, including the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the National Development and Reform Commission. For the first time, CCPIT became a member of the organizing committee.
According to reports, more than 50 activities were jointly or separately organized by the member units of the Organizing Committee of the Publicity Week. Among them, the Organizing Committee of the Publicity Week will hold the "50th Anniversary of Cooperation between China and the World Intellectual Property Organization and the Main Event of the Publicity Week". The State Intellectual Property Office (CNIPA) and the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee (NCAC) will jointly release the development of intellectual property rights in China in 2022. The State Intellectual Property Office and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism will jointly hold the theme activity of "Intellectual Property Culture by Your Side". The Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee (NCAC) will hold an international seminar on copyright protection for songwriters and songwriters of audiovisual works. The Supreme People's Court will release the status of judicial protection in 2022 and the top 10 intellectual property cases in 2022. The Supreme People's Procuratorate will release typical cases on the protection of intellectual property rights by procuratorial organs. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will hold the 13th China Satellite Navigation Annual Conference - Beidou Standardization and Intellectual Property High-end Forum. The General Administration of Customs will release the "2022 Status of Intellectual Property Protection of China Customs" and typical cases. The State Administration for Market Regulation will release the Annual Report on China's Efforts to Combat Infringement and Counterfeiting (2022). The State Intellectual Property Office will hold an open day.
On the day of the launching ceremony, a variety of opening activities were held at each branch venue to jointly create an intellectual property culture atmosphere of respecting knowledge, advocating innovation, integrity and law-abiding, and fair competition.

Source: China News Network