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618 Mid-Year Promotion | Businesses are advised to avoid these minefields of intellectual property risk


Due to the recurrence of the epidemic, many areas are unable to go out for shopping.

The upcoming 618 mid-year promotion war can be described as an opportunity for many e-commerce.

But with that came the intellectual property minefield of the war.

Let's take a quick look at how to avoid risks and do business legally.

Minefield warning

Improper use of trademarks

1. The merchant changes the registered trademark by himself, such as: the irregular use of the trademark, including changing the font, style, color, etc.;

2. Individual registration, company use, such as: after the legal person registers the trademark, it is used by the company without any formalities;

3. The unregistered trademark is used first, for example, if the trademark registration process is not completed, the merchant is in a hurry to use it first, and the trademark of "cutting first and then playing" cannot be protected by law and enjoy the exclusive right of the trademark.

Copyright Infringement

The act carried out by the merchant directly infringes the copyright of the subject of the implementation, such as: using the photographic works of others in the advertising copy without the permission of the copyright owner.

Patent Infringement

During the validity period of the patent right, the merchant exploits the patent of another person for the purpose of profit without the permission of the patentee and without legal basis, such as:

1. The use of a patented process and the act of using, offering to sell, selling, or importing products directly obtained in accordance with the patented process;

2. Counterfeiting other people's patents.

Prevention of infringement

In fact, do the following things together

It's easy

Avoid minefields

Regulate yourself

It's important for businesses to regulate their own behavior

1. Do not expose other people's trademarks in stores, product details and other places without the permission of the authorized person;

2. Be cautious in purchasing, pay attention to reviewing the qualifications of the supplier, and be sure to keep the formal purchase vouchers such as invoices.

Intellectual property construction

Merchants should not use other people's original text, pictures, videos and other content in the store, product details and other places without the permission of the authorized person, and secondary editing is not allowed.

Strengthen the construction of their own intellectual property rights and use more original content in order to better reflect their own brand value.

Be proactive

When merchants are complained of infringement, or when they find infringement, they must actively respond, cooperate with e-commerce customer service personnel, submit corresponding credentials, and reasonably maintain their brand image.

Rights protection recommendation

Cairtopology Intellectual Property Services (Shanghai) Co., Ltd

Infringement incidents

You should consult as soon as possible

【Professional Intellectual Property Protectors】

Leave the professional affairs to you

【Professional Legal Service Agency】

You can greatly reduce your own losses!