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Hit the scene | Not only to sell but also to produce? The blind box you bought may be fake!

April 26 is the 23rd World Intellectual Property Day! In recent years, under the strong leadership of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government and the Provincial Public Security Department, the city's public security organs have thoroughly implemented the spirit of the important instructions on comprehensively strengthening the protection of intellectual property rights, adhered to the people-centered approach, deeply cultivated the main responsibility and main business of public security, and promoted special actions such as "Kunlun" and "Jianfeng" in depth to open the way and take a multi-pronged approach, and launched a fierce offensive against crimes in the field of intellectual property rights that were strongly reflected by enterprises and the masses, with remarkable results, and effectively escorted the "No. 1 Reform Project" to optimize and upgrade the business environment.

In the live broadcast industry that has emerged in recent years, the industry personnel are mixed, and the industry is full of chaos. In May 2021, in the data statistics of e-commerce platforms, Taobao, Pinduoduo, and JD.com MAUs were 750.907 million, 704.303 million, and 302.181 million respectively. Among the live broadcast platforms, Douyin and Kuaishou MAU were 686.479 million and 413.515 million respectively. According to the latest data, as of January 2023, the monthly active users of a platform have exceeded 2 billion, and the number of users in the Chinese market has exceeded 700 million.


In February 2023, the case will be officially filed for investigation. After research and judgment, a criminal network of manufacturing, subcontracting, and sales from Guangdong, Shaanxi to Deqing, Zhejiang Province was discovered. In April, the task force simultaneously launched a net arrest operation in three provinces and eight places, and at the same time smashed 5 dens for the production and sale of counterfeit infringing products, seized more than 50 people on the spot, took criminal coercive measures against 13 people, seized more than 20 counterfeiting machines and equipment, seized more than 150,000 pirated figures, and the amount involved amounted to more than 1,000 yuan. It has recovered huge losses for copyright owners and greatly deterred illegal and criminal acts of infringement in the field of copyright. The case is currently being processed.

▲The picture shows the site, machine, and equipment of the counterfeiting den

The modus operandi of this case is highly novel: it adopts the method of live broadcast on the platform to carry out counterfeit sales activities to achieve the purpose of profiteering. The criminal methods are highly concealed: the suspect changed the color of the figure and the details of some of the craftsmanship during the production process. The criminal methods are highly evasive. In the process of producing and selling trendy toy figures, the criminal suspect circumvented the traditional crime of trademark infringement. High professionalism of the criminals: From the investigation process of the case, it is found that the personnel involved in the case have a clear division of labor from molding, production, packaging, transportation, intermediary, and sales. The impact of the crime is strong: the sales amount of the counterfeit gang in Deqing is as high as more than 120 yuan in just three months; The profit-making process of the entire production and sales network chain will have an extremely huge impact on the production and operation of formal enterprises.

However, the Internet is not a place outside the law, and the Huzhou Public Security will continue to strengthen network inspections in the next step, and severely crack down on illegal and criminal activities using the Internet.

Source: Huzhou Public Security