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Hit the scene | "Obsolete goods" assembled into


The original price is more than 8,000 yuan for a brand mobile phone

Second-hand ninety percent new only 2268 yuan

You can also get a discount if you buy two pieces at once

Will you be tempted?

Recently, Mr. Li (pseudonym) of Xiuzhou Oil Truck Port picked up a "leak" on the Internet. He had never encountered such a special, so he quickly placed an order.

On February 10, the mobile phone arrived, and Mr. Li opened it with a sigh in his heart, didn't he buy a purple one? How did you send a white one?

After turning on the phone, he was even more disappointed,This mobile phone is too far from the genuine product in terms of screen display、Control system,What's even more outrageous is that the merchant actually gave an Android charging cable。

All this is obviously inconsistent with the brand protection displayed on the store page at the time of purchase, second-hand original machine and other promotional slogans, Mr. Li angrily took the mobile phone to the oil truck port police station to report, "Although this mobile phone is far lower than the market price, he guarantees that it is the original machine so I bought it, I didn't expect the gap to be so big, I look like a liar!" ”

After receiving the report, the police officer Yuan Haikun immediately sent the mobile phone to a professional institution for identification, and it was found that many of the spare parts in this mobile phone were fake, and it can be said that in addition to the appearance of an Apple mobile phone, the interior has nothing to do with the brand authenticity.

The police immediately launched an investigation into the online store involved in the case, and soon locked down the suspect Yu Moumou, who was suspected of counterfeiting registered trademarks on the online platform, and settled in a certain place in Shantou City, Guangdong Province.

On February 21, Yuan Haikun led a team to Guangdong, more than 1,000 kilometers away. After several days of squatting and placing, with the assistance of the local police, seven suspects, including Yu Moumou, Ma Moumou, and Zheng Moumou, were arrested on the spot, and this counterfeiting workshop was smashed in one fell swoop.

Dozens of square meters of "studio" is divided into assembly, sales, delivery and other areas, when the police arrived at the scene, there are suspects are disassembling and assembling the old machine, less than 10 minutes, a "second-hand original machine" can be put on the shelves for sale.

The police also seized a large number of counterfeit brand mobile phone screens, batteries, computer hosts, installation tools, three or four hundred brand mobile phone boxes used for packaging and use, and dozens of "refurbished" mobile phones to be completed.

And these things are all "eliminated goods" from the market by Yu Moumou and others, but after "refurbishment", they continue to sell them in the name of second-hand genuine machines. Many victims who do not know the truth fall into their trap, but even if there are some minor problems with mobile phones, most people will think that this is a common problem of second-hand mobile phones, and can only consider themselves unlucky.

Since August 2021, the gang has sold more than 1,500 "refurbished" mobile phones on the platform, with a value of about one million yuan.

After interrogation, Yu Moumou and other 7 people confessed to participating in the production and sale of counterfeit and shoddy products. At present, 7 criminal suspects have been taken criminal compulsory measures on suspicion of counterfeiting registered trademarks, and the cases are being further handled.

Source: Xiuzhou Public Security