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Hit the scene | "315" · Defend the intellectual property rights of enterprises and create a business environment based on the rule of law


In February 2023, the Food and Drug Environment Investigation Center of the Changxing County Public Security Bureau of Zhejiang Province, in collaboration with the police in Pheasant, Shantou, Shenzhen, and Puning, after more than half a year of careful investigation, successfully detected the case of counterfeiting the registered trademark of the world's leading smartphone brand, successfully smashed a counterfeiting den, seized hundreds of finished "refurbished machines" and a large number of counterfeit products such as related accessories on the spot, and arrested a total of 7 criminal suspects. After investigation, the gang produced and sold 15,000 fake mobile phones of this brand, and the amount involved was more than 2,000 yuan.

On March 7, Mr. Wu, the representative of the rights holder, from the Legal Department of the Consumer Business Group, went to the Changxing County Public Security Bureau to express his gratitude, and listened to the report of the case in the bureau, and jointly sorted out the case, in order to provide a reference for further combating and curbing infringements.

Mr. Wu, the representative of the rights holder, expressed his gratitude to the Food and Drug Environment Investigation Center of the Changxing County Public Security Bureau of Zhejiang Province for successfully detecting the case and recovering the losses for the enterprise, Mr. Wu introduced: The brand rights holder is the leader of China's electronics industry, and there are currently internal and external troubles in chip manufacturing, and in the face of United States sanctions, more than 200 criminal cases have been applied for judicial protection of intellectual property rights in China. The infringer involved in this case purchased second-hand mobile phones and related accessories in "Huaqiangbei", refurbished them and sold them at a price of one to two hundred yuan lower than the market price. Now, through the full-chain crackdown of the Changxing County Public Security, it has successfully met the expected demands of a net, and has been highly recognized and praised by the rights holders.

Director Wu of the Changxing County Public Security Bureau said: In recent years, the Changxing Public Security Bureau has always done its best to escort the development of enterprises, solve more cases, quickly solve cases, quickly recover stolen goods and recover losses, and attack criminal activities that infringe on the intellectual property rights and interests of enterprises. In order to find out the details of the infringement gang, the Changxing County Public Security Bureau sent two investigators, all the way to Shenzhen and all the way to Puning. After half a month of investigation, it was found that the infringer in this case had a high sense of anti-reconnaissance, purchase, refurbishment, trading, delivery, and multi-location division of labor and cooperation, which was a "family business" gang, which was difficult to arrest and the circulation of counterfeit products was fast. After finding out all the details and collecting a large amount of evidence, in early February, Deputy Director Zhang personally led a team to Shenzhen to arrest the main culprit. Another group of police officers was arranged to go to Puning, and three groups of police officers went to Shantou to close the net at the same time. There were many emergencies at the scene of the arrest in Shenzhen, and the suspects also "resisted desperately", and the police responded improvised, cooperated with each other, successfully subdued the suspects, and achieved the capture of all the stolen goods.

At the end of the meeting, Director Wu of the Changxing County Public Security Bureau once again thanked everyone for their support for the investigation of this case, and only by working together in all links can we fully defend the legitimate rights and interests of the company's intellectual property rights and solve this family-style case of counterfeiting the registered trademark of the world's leading smartphone brand. Wu Ju said: In the future work, we will continue to strengthen communication and exchanges, and it is incumbent on us to crack down on illegal crimes involving enterprises. The Changxing County Police will always maintain the righteousness of taking responsibility and acting with the sharp spirit of the "sharp sword" out of the sheath, and effectively create a law-based business environment. It is also hoped that this will be used as a starting point to establish a long-term working mechanism with all parties and establish all-round cooperation and exchanges.