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Important Notice | The selection of the 24th China Patent Award was launched


The "China Patent Award" is co-sponsored by the State Intellectual Property Office of China and the World Intellectual Property Organization.

It is the only government award in China that specifically rewards inventions and creations granted by patents, and it is also the highest honor in the field of patents in China.

Accredited by the United Nations World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

The "China Patent Award" focuses on strengthening the creation, protection and application of intellectual property rights, and promoting high-quality economic development.

Encourage and commend patentees and inventors (designers) who have made outstanding contributions to technological (design) innovation and economic and social development.

Notice of the State Intellectual Property Office on the Selection of the 24th China Patent Award

The intellectual property management bodies of the relevant departments and units of the State Council, the General Office of the Equipment Development Department of the Central Military Commission, the intellectual property offices of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, the Sichuan Provincial Intellectual Property Service Promotion Center, the relevant local centers, and the relevant national industry associations:

In order to thoroughly implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and all previous plenary sessions of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, conscientiously implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the 25th collective study session of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, thoroughly implement the intellectual property strategy, strengthen the creation, protection and application of intellectual property rights, stimulate the innovation vitality of the whole society, and accelerate the construction of an intellectual property power, The State Intellectual Property Office has decided to jointly carry out the selection of the 24th China Patent Award with the World Intellectual Property Organization to encourage and commend patentees and inventors (designers) who have made outstanding contributions to technological (design) innovation and economic and social development. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

1. Awards

The China Patent Award consists of the China Patent Gold Award, the Silver Award, the Excellence Award, and the China Design Gold Award, Silver Award, and Excellence Award.

The China Patent Gold Award, Silver Award and Excellence Award are selected from invention patents and utility model patents, and there are no more than 30 China Patent Gold Award projects and no more than 60 Silver Award projects. The China Design Gold Award, Silver Award and Excellence Award are selected from the design patents, and there are no more than 10 China Design Gold Award projects and no more than 15 Silver Award projects.

This year's award work further highlights the requirements of high-quality development, and the number of recommended places will be reduced for regions with serious patent quality problems, and the qualifications for declaration, recommendation, participation or award will be cancelled for units and individuals who are found to have a large number (proportion) of abnormal patent applications.

2. Participation conditions

Patents that have been authorized by the State Intellectual Property Office and meet the following conditions at the same time can participate in the selection of China Patent Award:

(1) Patents for inventions, utility models or designs (including declassified national defense patents, excluding confidential patents) have been granted before December 31, 2021 (including December 31, subject to the date of the announcement of authorization);

(2) The patent right is valid, there is no legal dispute before the deadline for filing, and there is no unpaid annual fee or late fee;

(3) All patentees agree to participate in the evaluation;

(4) Have not won the China Patent Award;

(5) A patent is evaluated as a project;

(6) No more than 2 projects of the same patentee shall be evaluated; If the patentee is a national intellectual property demonstration university, no more than 4 projects shall be participated; The total number of projects participating in the evaluation of the group company and its subsidiaries shall not exceed 10.

3. How to participate

The China Patent Award adopts the project recommendation method, which is recommended by the intellectual property management institutions of relevant departments and units of the State Council, the intellectual property offices of all provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) (hereinafter referred to as the provincial intellectual property offices), and relevant national industry associations (excluding societies and chambers of commerce) and other organizations. The relevant national industry associations can only recommend relevant projects in their own industry or field, and the latest national annual inspection conclusion of the industry associations participating in the recommendation shall be qualified (1). From 2021 onwards, associations that have not won awards for two consecutive recommended projects will be suspended for one year.

The projects recommended by academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences or academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (hereinafter referred to as academicians), cities with separate planning, sub-provincial cities, national demonstration cities for the construction of strong intellectual property cities (hereinafter referred to as demonstration cities) and national demonstration parks for the construction of intellectual property powers (hereinafter referred to as demonstration parks), as well as projects recommended by national intellectual property demonstration universities and demonstration enterprises, shall be recommended by the provincial intellectual property office of the provincial intellectual property office where the applicant is located after reviewing and publicizing the participation conditions and the authenticity of the materials. It does not occupy the recommended quota of the provincial intellectual property office.

The recommendation work should be guided by high-quality development, and priority should be given to recommending core patents formed in basic research, applied basic research, and breaking through "stuck neck" technical problems.

4. Quota allocation

Please refer to the Recommended Project Allocation Table (Annex 1) for the allocation of recommended places.

Units that have won the Best Organization Award of the 23rd China Patent Award can add 1 to 2 recommended places on the basis of the allocated places; The provincial intellectual property office with the patent award of the provincial people's government may add 1 to 2 recommended places on the basis of the allocated quota.

Two academicians in the same professional field can jointly recommend one invention patent in the professional field, and each academician can only recommend once.

National Intellectual Property Demonstration Universities can self-nominate 2 projects to participate in the evaluation every year, and National Intellectual Property Demonstration Enterprises can self-recommend 1 project to participate in the evaluation every two years.

5. Referral Procedures

(1) Audit

Each recommending unit shall review the qualifications and application materials of the recommended project to ensure that the relevant materials are complete, true and accurate, and there is no confidential content.

(2) Publicity

The intellectual property management institutions of the relevant departments and units of the State Council, the provincial intellectual property offices, and the relevant national industry associations shall publicize the projects to be recommended (including those recommended by academicians, cities with separate plans, sub-provincial cities, demonstration cities and demonstration parks, as well as projects recommended by national intellectual property demonstration universities and demonstration enterprises) through the Internet or in writing.

The publicity time shall not be less than 5 working days. Projects that have no objection to the publicity, or those that have objections, but are verified and dealt with, can be recommended only if they are publicized again.

6. Requirements for submission of recommended materials

(1) Submit materials

1. Academician recommendation

(1) One copy of the academician's recommendation opinion (paper, signed by the academician, with a copy of the academician's certificate, see Annex 2 for the format).

(2) 1 copy of project information (electronic copy), including: (1) China Patent Award application form (WORD document). (2) Attachments, such as pictures, photographs, award certificates, project application certificates and other scanned copies of materials, among which, if the patent license information is filled in, the record certificate of the patent exploitation license contract shall be submitted; If the patent pledge financing information is filled, the notice of registration of the patent pledge shall be submitted; For those who mainly rely on the participating patents to obtain market competitive advantages, the filing certificate of the products involved in the participating patents on the national pilot platform for the filing and identification of patent-intensive products (2) shall be submitted; If the economic benefit data is filled, the special audit report on the economic benefits of the participating patents issued by a qualified accounting firm and other supporting materials may be submitted; All attachments should be embedded in a PDF document, no more than 20M; (3) The text of the patent grant announcement.

The electronic parts of the project are stored on CD-ROM or USB flash drives.

2. Unit recommendation

(1) One letter of recommendation (paper and electronic copy, official letter, paper with official seal, see Annex 3 for format).

(2) 1 copy of project information (electronic copy), each recommended project contains: (1) China Patent Award application form (WORD document). (2) Attachments, such as pictures, photographs, award certificates, project application certificates and other scanned copies of materials, among which, if the patent license information is filled in, the record certificate of the patent exploitation license contract shall be submitted; If the patent pledge financing information is filled, the notice of registration of the patent pledge shall be submitted; For those who mainly rely on the participating patents to obtain market competitive advantages, the filing certificate of the products involved in the participating patents on the national pilot platform for the filing and identification of patent-intensive products shall be submitted; If the economic benefit data is filled, the special audit report on the economic benefits of the participating patents issued by a qualified accounting firm and other supporting materials may be submitted; All attachments should be embedded in a PDF document, no more than 20M; (3) The text of the patent grant announcement.

The electronic copies of all items are stored on a CD-ROM or USB flash drive, and the name of the recommending organization is marked with a label.

(2) Submission method

1. The intellectual property management institutions of the relevant departments and units of the State Council, the provincial intellectual property offices, and the relevant national industry associations shall submit directly to our bureau.

2. The projects recommended by academicians, cities with separate planning, sub-provincial cities, demonstration cities and demonstration parks, as well as projects recommended by national intellectual property demonstration universities and demonstration enterprises, shall be reviewed and publicized by the provincial intellectual property office where the applicant is located, and the provincial intellectual property office shall summarize the relevant application materials and fill in the recommended project summary form (Annex 4) for unified submission.

(3) Time requirements

The deadline for submission of project materials recommended by academicians, cities with separate state planning, sub-provincial cities, demonstration cities and demonstration parks, as well as project materials recommended by national intellectual property demonstration universities and demonstration enterprises shall be subject to the notice of each provincial intellectual property office.

Our office accepts the submission of materials from the intellectual property management agencies of relevant departments and units of the State Council, provincial intellectual property offices, and relevant national industry associations, and the deadline is October 31, 2022.

The materials are submitted by EMS express delivery, and on-site declaration is not accepted, and the recommended items that do not meet the requirements or are overdue (subject to the date of express delivery) will not be accepted.

All units are requested to conscientiously do a good job in publicity and mobilization and project recommendation in accordance with the "China Patent Award Evaluation Measures" and the requirements of this notice, and submit the registration form of the contact person responsible for this work (Annex 5) to our bureau by email before September 20, 2022.

According to the award of the recommended projects, our bureau will select 5 to 8 Best Organization Awards of China Patent Award and 15 to 20 Outstanding Organization Awards of China Patent Awards, and award the best recommendation award of China Patent Award to academicians whose recommended projects have won the China Patent Gold Award.

Please download the "Measures for the Evaluation of China Patent Awards" and "Application Form for China Patent Awards (2022 Revised Edition)" from the "China Patent Award" column on the website of the State Intellectual Property Office (https://www.cnipa.gov.cn/col/col41/index.html).

Notice is hereby given.


1. Recommended Project Allocation Table

2. Academician recommendation letter

3. Letters of recommendation

4. Summary table of recommended items

5. Referral unit contact person registration form

State Intellectual Property Office

August 31, 2022

(1) You can log on to the Ministry of Civil Affairs' China Social Organization Government Service Platform for inquiries at https://chinanpo.mca.gov.cn/njgzbg

(2) Website of the platform: https://www.zlcp.org.cn/, for the specific filing process, please refer to the "Operation Manual of the Public Platform for the Filing and Identification of Patent-Intensive Products" on the website.