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Notice of the State Intellectual Property Office on Further Carrying Out the "Blue Sky" Special Rectification Action in the Intellectual Property Agency Industry


Guozhi Shipping Letter [2023] No. 51

Intellectual Property Offices of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, and Sichuan Intellectual Property Service Promotion Center; All departments of the State Intellectual Property Office, all departments of the Patent Office, the Trademark Office, other units directly under the Bureau, and social organizations:

In recent years, the State Intellectual Property Office has thoroughly implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on "improving the intellectual property service system", conscientiously implemented the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, focused on creating a healthy and orderly environment for the development of the intellectual property service industry, and continued to carry out the "blue sky" special rectification action in the intellectual property agency industry nationwide. With the rapid development of the intellectual property agency industry, some new situations and new problems have gradually emerged, and the supervision of intellectual property agency still needs to be continuously strengthened.

In order to further strictly regulate the behavior of intellectual property agency, vigorously promote the healthy development of the industry, and provide better intellectual property services to stimulate the innovation vitality of the whole society and promote high-quality economic development, the State Intellectual Property Office has decided to further carry out the "blue sky" special rectification action of the intellectual property agency industry in 2023, and the relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

1. Strictly implement the new regulations on trademark agency, and crack down on all kinds of outstanding illegal agency behaviors

(1) Thoroughly implement the Provisions on the Supervision and Administration of Trademark Agency. In October 2022, the State Administration for Market Regulation issued the Provisions on the Supervision and Administration of Trademark Agency (hereinafter referred to as the "Provisions"), which comprehensively refines the relevant provisions of the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China and the Regulations for the Implementation of the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China, providing institutional support for effectively cracking down on all kinds of illegal trademark agents and further standardizing trademark agency behaviors. All localities should fully understand the importance of implementing the "Provisions", perform the responsibilities specified in the "Provisions" in accordance with the law, increase publicity and training, continuously improve the efficiency of trademark agency supervision in the region, and form a good situation of agencies and practitioners abiding by the law as soon as possible.

(2) Crack down on prominent trademark agents in violation of laws and regulations. In accordance with the requirements of the "Provisions", all localities shall act as an agent for preemptively registering, hoarding hot word trademarks, acting as agents for trademarks with major adverse social impacts, colluding with personnel engaged in trademark registration and management, and engaging in violations of laws and regulations in the process of acting for cross-border e-commerce business and engaging in trademark agency business through the Internet, impersonating the names of state organs and state organ staff, forging and altering legal documents, seals, and signatures. Accepting the entrustment of both parties with conflicts of interest in the same trademark agency and other violations of laws and regulations will be the key targets of rectification in 2023, and the relevant departments will effectively increase the crackdown. if the circumstances are serious, it shall be reported to the State Intellectual Property Office for handling in a timely manner; and where a crime is suspected, it shall be transferred to the relevant departments for investigation of criminal responsibility in accordance with law.

(3) Strengthen record management and highlight governance at the source. According to the requirements of the "Provisions", the State Intellectual Property Office issued the "Announcement on the Re-filing of Trademark Agencies", organized the re-filing of trademark agencies and practitioners, established practitioner files, and realized the linkage management of agency and examination, and the relevant work was completed in April 2023 and timely feedback to all localities. All localities should sort out and form a directory of trademark agencies and practitioners in their respective regions based on the latest filing information, and work with relevant departments to update the "double random, one open" inspection list, improve the list of inspection items, and strengthen the daily supervision of trademark agencies and practitioners.









(4) Promote institutions to improve the level of autonomy. The State Intellectual Property Office will promote the strengthening of the professional capacity building of agency practitioners, guide the establishment of an advanced training system for agency practitioners, and promote the development of institutions in the direction of standardization, standardization, quality and specialization. All localities should urge agencies and agents to earnestly perform their main responsibilities, improve internal quality management, compliance reporting and other systems, and promote the legal and standardized operation of institutions. Guide the development of a series of trainings on the internship, practice and updating of professional and technical knowledge of patent agents in the region, as well as a series of training for trademark agency practitioners, and encourage agencies to expand multi-level and diversified high-quality services.

The State Intellectual Property Office will continue to promote cross-regional collaborative supervision in key areas, strengthen the supervision and assessment of the intensity, efficiency and quality of supervision in various regions, and regularly report on the experience and practices of various regions and the progress of special actions. All localities should enrich the power of agency supervision, increase the intensity of supervision, implement regulatory responsibilities, and continuously improve the capacity of intellectual property agency supervision in the region. Make full use of government portals, traditional media, and new media information dissemination channels to strengthen publicity on the phased results of special actions and typical cases, increase the breadth and depth of publicity, and further enhance the influence and deterrence of special rectifications. All localities are requested to submit the detailed plan of the "blue sky" action of their province before April 21 and the annual summary to the Intellectual Property Application Promotion Department of our bureau before November 30. Problems and useful experiences and practices found in the course of the action should be reported in a timely manner.

Notice is hereby given.

State Intellectual Property Office

March 31, 2023

Source: State Intellectual Property Office