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Industry Hot Spots | Shen Changyu and his entourage went to Shanghai to investigate intellectual property work


From March 27th to 29th, Shen Changyu, Director of the State Intellectual Property Office, and his delegation went to Shanghai to investigate intellectual property work and gain an in-depth understanding of the needs of private enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises for intellectual property work. Xie Dong, deputy mayor of Shanghai Municipal People's Government, investigated together.

During the investigation, Shen Changyu and his entourage successively went to the Shanghai Municipal Intellectual Property Office, UNISOC (Shanghai) Technology Co., Ltd., and Shanghai Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. to conduct field research, and held a symposium on intellectual property work of technology-based private enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises respectively to understand the difficulties and problems encountered by enterprises in intellectual property rights face-to-face, and listen to opinions and suggestions on intellectual property work.

Shen Changyu pointed out that the CPC Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to private enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises, and General Secretary Xi Jinping has made a series of important instructions and expositions, which provide a fundamental basis for doing a good job in intellectual property work and serving the development of private enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises. It is necessary to conscientiously implement the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, actively give play to the important role of intellectual property rights in stimulating innovation internally and promoting opening up externally, focus on the practical difficulties and outstanding problems encountered by private enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises in intellectual property rights, carry out in-depth investigation and research, and do a good job in service work in a targeted manner. It is necessary to improve the intellectual property policy system, stimulate the innovation vitality of private enterprises, and help the healthy and high-quality development of the private economy. It is necessary to strengthen the legal protection of intellectual property rights, so that the intellectual property rights of state-owned enterprises, private enterprises, and foreign-funded enterprises are treated equally and equally protected, and greater efforts should be made to strengthen international cooperation in the protection of intellectual property rights, so as to help create a good business environment conducive to the development of enterprises. It is necessary to further improve the communication mechanism with foreign-funded enterprises, strengthen dialogue and exchanges, strengthen the confidence of foreign-funded enterprises in the protection of China's intellectual property rights, and better achieve development in China.

Xie Dong said that Shanghai attaches great importance to the development of private enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises, and will take the construction of a strong intellectual property city with high standards as the starting point, make greater efforts to strengthen the legal protection of intellectual property rights, optimize policies and measures, improve the protection system, strengthen service supply, effectively solve the concerns of enterprises, and strive to create a good intellectual property business environment for private enterprises, foreign-funded enterprises and other market entities to invest and do business in Shanghai.

Representatives of many private enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises, such as Shanghai United Imaging Healthcare, Junshi Biosciences, Montage Technology, Cambrian, Dongsheng New Materials, Tesla, Siemens, Bayer, Dyson, Brother, etc., as well as relevant persons in charge of Shanghai Association of Foreign Investment attended the relevant symposium.

The responsible comrades of the State Intellectual Property Office and relevant departments and units of Shanghai participated in the investigation.

Source: State Intellectual Property Office