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Industry News | Promote the construction of a strong city with intellectual property rights to take a new step! The 2023 Work (Enlarged) Meeting of the Shanghai Intellectual Property Joint Conference was held

On the afternoon of May 6, the 2023 Work (Enlarged) Meeting of the Shanghai Intellectual Property Joint Conference was held. Xie Dong, the first convener of the Municipal Intellectual Property Joint Conference and deputy mayor, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Wang Ping, convener of the Municipal Intellectual Property Joint Conference and Deputy Secretary-General of the Municipal Government, presided over the meeting.


The meeting conveyed the spirit of President Xi Jinping's congratulatory letter to the 50th anniversary of China-WIPO cooperation and the main event of the Publicity Week, and conveyed and studied the speech of Premier Li Qiang at the meeting with WIPO Director General Daren Tang and Vice Premier Ding Xuexiang's speech.

Xie Dong pointed out that in the past year, the member units of the joint conference at the municipal and district levels have conscientiously implemented the decisions and arrangements of the municipal party committee and municipal government, closely coordinated, paid close attention to implementation, and successfully completed various annual goals and tasks.

Regarding the work in 2023, Xie Dong emphasized that it is necessary to accurately grasp the importance of intellectual property to support comprehensive innovation, fully understand the important role of intellectual property in achieving Shanghai's high-quality development, seize the important opportunity of the 50th anniversary of cooperation between China and WIPO, and continue to be a pioneer and pioneer in the field of intellectual property. It is necessary to strengthen system construction, promote the realization of a higher level of protection, and create a "model area" for intellectual property system innovation, a "preferred place" for intellectual property protection and dispute resolution, and a "community" for intellectual property protection in the Yangtze River Delta. Adhere to the creation and application of both ends of the force, to better contribute to the high-quality development of the economy. Consolidate and expand opening up to the outside world, serve as a "bridgehead" for international exchanges of intellectual property, and take new steps to promote the construction of a strong intellectual property city. It is necessary to do a good job in the mid-term evaluation of the "Planning", vigorously investigate and study, go all out to implement the goals and tasks of the "Outline" and "Planning", and cultivate the humanistic and social environment for the construction of a strong city with intellectual property rights in the city.

Wei Lan, Director of the Office of the Municipal Intellectual Property Joint Conference and Deputy Director of the Municipal Intellectual Property Office, reported on the work in 2022 and the work arrangements for the next stage.

In 2022, the member units of the Intellectual Property Joint Conference at the municipal and district levels steadily promoted the implementation of the Outline for the Construction of a Strong Intellectual Property City and the "14th Five-Year Plan", and made every effort to improve the quality of intellectual property creation, protection effect, application efficiency, management ability and service level, providing strong support for Shanghai's high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-reliance, high-level reform and opening up, and the creation of a world-class business environment. In 2022, 178,300 patents were granted in Shanghai, and 5,591 PCT international patent applications were filed, a year-on-year increase of 15.76%. The number of high-value invention patents per 10,000 people reached 40.9, an increase of 6.7 over the previous year. Shanghai's ranking in the "Best Science and Technology Clusters" in the Global Innovation Index Report published by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) has risen from 8th in 2021 to 6th place (merged with Suzhou to form the same science and technology cluster). Shanghai has been awarded the State Council's supervision and incentive for intellectual property work for two consecutive years, and has been awarded an excellent grade in the national intellectual property protection assessment for three consecutive years.

In 2023, the member units of the Municipal and District Intellectual Property Joint Conference will thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the 12th Municipal Party Congress and the spirit of the National Intellectual Property Office Directors' Conference, and promote the construction of a strong intellectual property city with high standards under the guidance of the outline for the construction of a strong country with intellectual property rights, the outline for the construction of a strong city and the implementation of the 14th Five-Year Plan for intellectual property rights in Shanghai. We will make all-round efforts to optimize the environment for the development of intellectual property rights, accelerate the construction of an international intellectual property protection highland and an international intellectual property center city, and be the vanguard and pioneer in the construction of an intellectual property power on the new journey.

The Municipal Bureau of Justice, the Municipal Procuratorate and the Putuo District Government made exchange speeches. The members of the Municipal Intellectual Property Joint Conference, the relevant persons in charge of the district governments and the heads of the intellectual property offices of the districts attended the meeting.

Source: Shanghai Intellectual Property