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Industry Hot Spots | 7 words compensation of 140,000? Put this away, and font infringement will be saved!


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Most Internet practitioners pay more attention to the cultivation of skills, but they still lack a comprehensive understanding of the legal risks in their work, such as the fonts they use in daily life.

In fact, "font infringement" is one of the easiest topics to touch, and it also stabs the heart of many businesses like a sharp sword. In recent years, there has been an increasing number of legal disputes over "font copyright":

In the movie "33 Days of Broken Love", the narration and some text messages used infringed on the "Yuehei Font" developed by the domestic font research and development institution "Word Workshop", and finally after negotiation, the font cost of 20,000 yuan was compensated.

In the movie "Ghost Blowing the Lantern: Nine-Story Demon Tower" released in 2015, the seven characters on the cover of the props "History of the Ghost Clan" and "Huaxia Daily" used Xiang Jiahong's font calligraphy without authorization, and the dreamer company and other four parties were sued by the author in court, claiming 510,000 yuan, and finally the court awarded 140,000 yuan.

Beijing Hanyi Keyin Information Technology Co., Ltd. also sued a Beijing Technology Co., Ltd. to the court on the grounds of copyright infringement, requiring it to stop the infringement and claim economic losses of 1.5 million yuan.

In fact, there are far more cases of font infringement being punished.


The emergence of more and more font infringement cases and the amount of fines involved are stinging the hearts of design, artist, editor, e-commerce and other practitioners all the time. In these professions, the materials made are basically commercial, and fonts are even more necessary.

It takes a lot of time to design fonts by yourself, and there are no good ideas, so I stayed up all night and changed dozens of drafts, but I still can't get into the eyes of the boss

The font on the Internet is very good, but I am afraid of infringement and lawsuits, and my job is not guaranteed

If you often walk by the river, you can't get your shoes wet, even if you are an artist, editor, and designer who often uses fonts...... It is inevitable to step on the pit. I often haven't made a picture of a well-known design industry, I haven't published a web page that makes the boss shine, I haven't published a 10W+ explosive article, and I haven't rushed through super high sales because of copywriting...... Because of an accident, he bumped into font infringement, so he was fined, and even expelled and the store was closed.

As the state pays more and more attention to copyright issues, basically the official court of justice for font infringement will also award compensation.


Some people complain that the cost of fonts is too high, and it is simply that font dealers are touching porcelain. But who knows the hardships behind the development of the typeface?

In fact, the font is not what everyone thinks is automatically generated by a computer program, to develop a font, first to write a good script, and then import the font software word by word, and then adjust and outline each word, the more dots of each word, the greater the difficulty of tuning, make a font more than a few years, less than a year and a half.

The manpower and financial resources consumed are huge, but the frequent occurrence of "font infringement" incidents has made many small font manufacturers unable to continue.

Many people may not know that according to China Economic Net, Japan's Chinese character library is already 7 times that of China. Chinese font library is facing a cruel situation of small number, slow update, and the number of Chinese font manufacturers and professional font designers is also drastically decreasing, and font intellectual property protection is urgent.

Although font intellectual property protection is important, the price of a font in the tens of thousands is really unaffordable for small companies, let alone personal commercial use. To this end, Kane Topo has specially made a common copyright-free and free commercial font sorting and classification for everyone:

Free commercial fonts

01. Siyuan Heiti
02. Siyuan Song Ti03. Wenquanyi series font04. Station cool series05. Pangmen Zhengdao series06.851tegakizatsu Regular (851 handwriting miscellaneous fonts).07.Fandol font08.iSlide Cloud Judah Body09. Alibaba Pratt & Whitney

Source: Tencent News, WPS Office Assistant