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Industry News | The Shanghai Municipal Intellectual Property Office introduced the preparations for the intellectual property theme day of the 9th Shanghai Fair


The China (Shanghai) International Technology Import and Export Fair (hereinafter referred to as the Shanghai Fair) is co-sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the State Intellectual Property Office and the Shanghai Municipal People's Government. The 9th Shanghai Fair will be held from June 15 to 17, 2023 at the Shanghai World Expo Exhibition and Convention Center.

This morning (June 9), the Municipal Government Information Office held a press conference to introduce the preparations for the 9th Shanghai Fair, and the relevant responsible comrades of the Municipal Commission of Commerce, the Municipal Science and Technology Commission, the Municipal Intellectual Property Office, and Donghao Lansheng Exhibition Group attended the press conference and answered questions from reporters.

Wei Lan, deputy director of the Municipal Intellectual Property Office, said that intellectual property protection is an important aspect of stimulating innovation and creativity and shaping a good business environment. The Shanghai Fair is not only a display platform for the development and protection of intellectual property rights in Shanghai, but also a platform for testing the level and ability of intellectual property protection. The Municipal Intellectual Property Office will focus on four aspects: theme day activities, special forums, exhibition and publicity, and service guarantee, to help the 9th Shanghai Fair be successfully held.

The first is to organize and carry out a series of activities on the theme day of intellectual property. The Patent Reexamination Board of the State Intellectual Property Office is invited to conduct roving oral hearings. A typical patent invalidation case was heard in public, and representatives of exhibitors, enterprises and intermediary service industries participated in the hearing. Held a briefing meeting of the Consulate on Intellectual Property Work in Shanghai. Representatives of consular offices in Shanghai, foreign chambers of commerce, and foreign-funded enterprises will be invited to attend the meeting to report on the intellectual property work in Shanghai in 2022. The Pudong New Area People's Court openly hears representative and influential intellectual property litigation cases, so that the public can get close to the intellectual property adjudication work and intuitively understand the whole process of intellectual property litigation cases.

The second is to organize a series of thematic forums. Together with the Municipal Council for the Promotion of International Trade and the University of International Business and Economics, the "Belt and Road" Intellectual Property Protection Forum was co-hosted to discuss topics such as international cooperation on intellectual property rights, overseas layout, and dispute response in the "Belt and Road" countries. Together with the Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology and Donghao Lansheng Group, the China International Intelligent Robot Innovation and Development Conference was held to discuss the hot issue of artificial intelligence.

The third is to do a good job in the display and publicity of intellectual property rights. Set up a special area for intellectual property promotion. Focusing on the theme of "Shanghai Accelerates the Construction of an International Intellectual Property Protection Highland and an International Intellectual Property Center City", it will focus on publicizing the achievements of high-level reform and opening up in building a strong intellectual property city, and display the successful cases of the transformation of patented technological achievements, transaction transfer, pledge financing, and open licensing, as well as the patented technology products that have won national and municipal intellectual property awards. Intensify publicity in all kinds of media. Use the Internet, television, print media, etc. to vigorously do a good job in the publicity of intellectual property rights of the Shanghai Fair.

Fourth, provide intellectual property service guarantees. Set up an intellectual property service area, organize patent, trademark and other administrative law enforcement personnel to settle in the Shanghai Fair to provide intellectual property consulting services for domestic and foreign exhibitors, handle intellectual property disputes and complaints, and create a good atmosphere for intellectual property protection; Invite the national intellectual property operation public service platform, the patent retrieval center of the State Intellectual Property Office, China Intellectual Property News, the Intellectual Property Arbitration Court of the Shanghai Arbitration Commission, the Shanghai Intellectual Property Protection Center, the Pudong New Area Intellectual Property Protection Center and other intellectual property public service institutions to settle in the exhibition and provide one-door intellectual property services for the Shanghai Fair.

Source: Shanghai Intellectual Property Office