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Company News | Good News · CANTOOP Becomes a Member of Shanghai Intellectual Property Service Industry Association!


Recently, CANTOOP IP Service (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., with its outstanding performance and contributions in the field of intellectual property services, has officially become a member unit of the Shanghai Intellectual Property Service Industry Association.

This is not only a major breakthrough for CANTOOP itself, but also a full affirmation of its professional ability, service quality, and industry influence by the Shanghai Intellectual Property Service Industry Association. As a member unit of the association, CANTOOP will work together with other members of the association to promote the healthy development of the intellectual property service industry in Shanghai and even across the country.

In the future, CANTOOP will take this as an opportunity to continue to adhere to the service concept of "sincere service, win-win cooperation", continuously improve service quality, and provide customers with more high-quality and comprehensive intellectual property strategic custody services, long-term and comprehensive solutions to the client's intellectual property full process services. At the same time, the company will actively participate in various activities of the association, communicate and learn together with member units, and grow together.

Here, we sincerely thank the Shanghai Intellectual Property Service Industry Association for its recognition and support of CANTOOP IP Service (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. We also look forward to in-depth cooperation with the association and other member units in more fields in the future, and jointly promote the development of the intellectual property service industry to a new level.