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Home > News > Company News > Good news | The Intellectual Property Division of the Industrial Cluster Planning Committee of China Building Materials Circulation Association/Cantoop IP Service (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. was honored at the 2023 China Building Materials and Home Furnishing Industry Renewal and Development Conference

Good news | The Intellectual Property Division of the Industrial Cluster Planning Committee of China Building Materials Circulation Association/Cantoop IP Service (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. was honored at the 2023 China Building Materials and Home Furnishing Industry Renewal and Development Conference




Inside the National People's Congress Conference Center


From December 2nd to 3rd, 2023, the "2023 China Building Materials and Home Furnishing Industry Renewal and Development Conference and the Second Enlarged Meeting of the 7th Council of China Building Materials Circulation Association" hosted by China Building Materials Circulation Association was held in the auditorium of the National People's Congress Conference Center in Beijing. Cantoop IP Service (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. was invited to participate in the conference as the Intellectual Property Department of the Industrial Cluster Planning Professional Committee of China Building Materials Circulation Association.




Meeting site


With the theme of "Promoting Consumption, Strengthening Resilience and Cultivating Brands", the conference brought together more than 500 people, including leaders of relevant departments of the national government, experts, authoritative media leaders, leaders of relevant local governments, national building materials and home furnishing production enterprises, building materials and home furnishing stores, dealer agents, engineering construction enterprises, decoration enterprises, home furnishing e-commerce platforms, interior design institutions, scientific research institutes, local industry organizations, and industry media representatives, to discuss how to build a new development community in the industry. Strengthen and improve the resilience of the industrial chain and supply chain, and how to promote the high-quality development of the industry through brand building. It is worth noting that the "Outline for the Construction of a Quality Power" issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council emphasizes the importance of intellectual property protection, and intellectual property rights are the core assets of brands, and only through effective intellectual property protection can we better promote industry innovation and development.



Qin Zhanxue, President of China Building Materials Circulation Association, delivered a welcome speech


At the meeting, Qin Zhanxue, President of China Building Materials Circulation Association, Zhang Xiang, a first-level inspector (director level) of the Circulation Industry Development Department of the Ministry of Commerce, Lv Guixin, a former first-level inspector (director level) of the Raw Materials Industry Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Xie Shaowei, director of the Building Materials Work Department of the National Committee of the China Machinery Metallurgical Building Materials Trade Union, and other leaders and guests successively delivered opening speeches and expressed warm congratulations on the success of the conference.


They emphasized that the building materials and home furnishing industry is moving towards digital, intelligent and green transformation, and the China Building Materials Circulation Association will continue to promote the high-quality development of the building materials and home furnishing industry. In this process, the majority of enterprises need to recognize the importance of the new cycle of the industry and innovation and development, and can correctly understand that intellectual property rights are the protection of innovation achievements, and only effective protection of innovation achievements can better promote innovation. This view was widely shared at the conference and sparked an in-depth discussion on how to strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights to promote the development of the industry.




Liu Jiaojiao

Director of Intellectual Property

Cantoop IP Services (Shanghai) Co., Ltd



Intellectual Property Department of Industrial Cluster Planning Committee of China Building Materials Circulation Association

Cantoop IP Services (Shanghai) Co., Ltd

Won the 2023 Outstanding Achievement Award for Enterprise Market Development - "Pioneer Award"


During the meeting, the 2023 "Bai Ze List" of the China Building Materials Circulation Association system was also announced, and the Intellectual Property Department of the Industrial Cluster Planning Professional Committee of the China Building Materials Circulation Association/Cantoop IP Service (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. was awarded the "Pioneer Award" for the outstanding achievements of member companies in developing the market in 2023, and commended it to Cantoop IP Service (Shanghai) Co., Ltd Liu Jiaojiao, director of the intellectual property department, presented the trophy. This award aims to recognize and encourage the contribution of Cairtopo to intellectual property protection, innovation and application in the brand building of the building materials and home furnishing industry, in order to further promote the high-quality development of the industry.




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As the "Global Excellent Partner" and "Excellent Intellectual Property Service Provider" of the Intellectual Property Department of the Industrial Cluster Planning Committee of the Association/Cantoop IP Service (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. and many enterprises, Cantoop IP Service (Shanghai) Co., LtdIt will actively participate in the "Brand Building Action Plan" launched by the China Building Materials Circulation Association in the national building materials and home furnishing industry, promote the brand building of China's building materials and home furnishing enterprises, help enterprises accelerate their growth, help enterprises do a good job in the layout of intellectual property rights, strengthen the creation and reserve of intellectual property rights of enterprises, accelerate the implementation and transformation of intellectual property rights of enterprises, enhance the ability of enterprises to use intellectual property rights, and improve the quality and stability of the foundation for enterprises to become world brands.



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