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The designer kitchenware you bought may be fake! The case is worth tens of millions!


A brand product with an original price of several thousand, and the counterfeit product is sold for only a few hundred yuan, if you are a consumer, will you be tempted?

Some unscrupulous merchants are greedy for profit, counterfeiting a well-known brand in the industry, and selling fake products in the name of discounts.

A few days ago, the Luqiao police cracked a major case of infringement of intellectual property rights, arrested a total of 28 criminal suspects, and seized 11 fake pots and knives production sites.

There are 12 sales dens and warehouses at all levels, and more than 300,000 pots and knives involved in the case were seized, and the amount involved exceeded 12 million yuan.

On March 14, the Luqiao Public Security Bureau held a press conference on the Luqiao "2021.08.16" extraordinarily large infringement and counterfeit brand case and informed the relevant facts of the case.

The monthly sales volume is 50,000 online stores, and tens of millions of major cases have been drawn

In April 2021, the police of the Luqiao Branch received a call from the public, saying that they may have bought fake non-stick pans.

According to the guidance of the parties, the police opened an online shopping APP, and among a number of well-known Germany brand kitchenware with a small price difference,

The discount range of several stores is obviously not in line with the market rules. After investigation, it was found that

The monthly sales of this online store called "Germany Quality Foreign Trade Kitchenware" have reached more than 50,000 yuan.

The Luqiao police immediately contacted the relevant right holder for identification, and the right holder determined that this was a counterfeit product.

After nearly a month of tracking and external investigation, the police basically grasped the distribution of production and processing points, storage points and dealers of counterfeit pots.

A chain of production and sales of counterfeit Germany non-stick pans gradually appeared in front of the case handlers.

Simultaneously attack the whole chain to investigate and deal with and destroy the outlets for making and selling counterfeits

On May 26, the Luqiao Public Security Bureau formed a number of arrest groups such as "on-site trading", "production and processing points", and "warehousing and packaging".

The whole chain investigation and handling of the dens that produce and sell counterfeit non-stick cookware in Hainan, Jinhua and other places have been carried out, and a number of criminal tools such as counterfeit molds and processing machine tools, computers, and mobile phones have been seized.

At the same time, another chain of counterfeiting and selling has surfaced.

At the same time as seizing the packaging materials of the fake pot, the police accidentally found that the packaging factory was still producing counterfeit knife packaging boxes of the same brand.

And the amount of packaging materials in the warehouse is equally staggering.

The police immediately formed a special task force to continue to dig deep into clues, and worked non-stop to determine the production and sales chain of counterfeit knives at a faster speed.

In September, after careful deployment in the early stage, the Luqiao police arrested 15 suspects in the production and sale of counterfeit knives in several provinces and cities.

"These counterfeit products are difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, and consumers can distinguish the real from the fake by the price and purchase channel." The person in charge of the relevant rights holder company said.

In March 2022, there were 12 suspects left who were suspected of counterfeiting registered trademarks and selling goods with counterfeit registered trademarks

It was transferred by the Luqiao police for review and prosecution in accordance with the law, and so far, the case has been successfully concluded.

Crimes of infringement of intellectual property rights seriously endanger the vital interests of the public, affect the safety of production and life, and hinder the innovation and development of enterprises.

Taizhou Public Security protects intellectual property rights in accordance with the law, maintains market order, creates a good business environment, and firmly guards the people's better life in the new era.