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Company News | CANTOOP Invited to Participate in the 4th China Bathroom T8 Summit in 2023


On August 22, 2023, under the guidance of the China Building Materials Circulation Association and the Home Furnishing and Building Materials Industry Committee of the China Chamber of International Commerce, and hosted by the Ceramic and Sanitary Ware Dealers Committee of the China Building Materials Circulation Association, the "2023 Fourth China Sanitary Ware T8 Summit" was successfully held in Beidaihe. Cairtopo Intellectual Property Services (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. was invited to attend the conference. This summit aims to focus on the collective wisdom of the leading enterprises in China's bathroom industry and key stores, big businessmen, buyers and other industrial chain giants, bring together the industry's 120+ elite confrontation dialogue, and discuss the survival and development of China's bathroom industry under the new situation and the development plan of strengthening and refining, and building a world brand of China's sanitary ware, and in terms of the current development situation of China's sanitary ware industry, China's sanitary ware enterprises need to build a brand at the same time, but also to protect the established brand, brand is intellectual property, intellectual property is property, Intellectual property is the core competitiveness.

The summit was presided over by Li Jinghan, executive deputy secretary-general of the Ceramic Bathroom Distributors Committee of China Building Materials Circulation Association, and president of Sanitary Ware Toutiao Network and China Ceramic Home Furnishing Network. This year's bathroom T8 summit has been guided by the China Building Materials Circulation Association and the China Chamber of International Commerce Home Furnishing and Building Materials Industry Committee, and brought together leaders of Foshan Sanitary Ware Industry Association, Chaozhou Building and Sanitary Ceramics Association and other production area associations.

Yuan Dade, Director of the Intellectual Property Consulting Service Division of the Industrial Cluster Planning Professional Committee of China Building Materials Circulation Association and President of Cairtopo Intellectual Property Service (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., explained the protection, innovation and application of intellectual property rights in the world brand building of sanitary ware enterprises at the summit site. He pointed out that sanitary ware enterprises can not be immersed in research and development, but also should have a sense of intellectual property layout, to sink down to strengthen soft power, so that the sharpening of knives does not mistakenly chop wood, can not only rely on brand marketing, marketing, but also need to establish intellectual property competition barriers, build a strong intellectual property global protection mechanism, so that intellectual property achievements are not plagiarized. In this way, the brand established over the years has vitality, and can really achieve fame and status in the industry, and if there is fame and status in the industry, there must be a market, and a global market can be formed, and the goal of an internationally renowned brand has been achieved.

As the Intellectual Property Consulting Service Department of the Industrial Cluster Planning Professional Committee of the Association, the "Global Excellent Partner" and "Excellent Intellectual Property Service Provider" of many enterprises, Kane Topology Intellectual Property will actively participate in the "Brand Building Action Plan" launched by the China Building Materials Circulation Association in the national building materials and home furnishing industry, promote the brand building of China's building materials and home furnishing enterprises, help enterprises accelerate their growth, help enterprises do a good job in intellectual property layout, strengthen the creation and reserve of enterprise intellectual property rights, and accelerate the implementation and transformation of enterprise intellectual property rights. Enhance the ability of enterprises to use intellectual property rights, improve the quality and stability of the foundation for enterprises to build a world brand, standardize and seek long-term results, and avoid enterprises from blindly focusing on product sales and ignoring the layout and protection of intellectual property rights.