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Company News | Kane Topo Intellectual Property went to Chongqing City University of Science and Technology to participate in the spring comprehensive double selection meeting of the school's 2023 graduates


In order to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, fully implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on the employment of college graduates, and do a good job in the employment services for college graduates in 2023. On May 18, 2023, Kane Topology Intellectual Property Service (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. was invited by Chongqing City Science and Technology University to participate in the school's participation in the Chongqing Municipal Education Commission, Chongqing Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Chongqing Municipal Economic and Information Commission, Chongqing University Secondary School Graduate Employment Guidance Service Center, Chongqing Talent Exchange Service Center, Chongqing SME Development Service Center and Chongqing City Science and Technology University hosted the "Chongqing 2023 College Graduates Employment Promotion Week and '100-day Sprint to Promote Employment' and Public Employment Service into Campus - Chongqing Urban Science and Technology College 2023 Graduates Spring Comprehensive Double Selection Meeting" to promote higher quality employment of graduates.


This special job fair is the second time that our company will carry out the special action of job expansion and recruitment in 2023, and our company will continue to strengthen the connection with major universities, give full play to its own advantages, build a convenient and efficient job search and recruitment channel, attract more outstanding graduates, strengthen the construction of intellectual property talent team, and support the strategy of strengthening the country with talents in the new era.