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Company News | CANTOOP attended the Shanghai Intellectual Property Protection Conference


On July 26, 2024, CANTOOP IP Service (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., as the governing unit of Shanghai Intellectual Property Service Industry Association, was honored to be invited to participate in the Shanghai Intellectual Property Protection Conference. The conference brought together many relevant leaders from the State Intellectual Property Office and the Shanghai Municipal Government to jointly draw a blueprint for the protection and future development of intellectual property rights.



In his speech, Xie Dong, Vice Mayor of Shanghai Municipal People's Government, emphasized that it is necessary to study, publicize and implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, continue to deepen reform and innovation in the field of intellectual property, and provide strong intellectual property support for promoting Chinese-style modernization. He put forward four strategic directions: First, strengthen demonstration and guidance, and improve the ability of intellectual property governance. Take the construction of national and municipal intellectual property protection demonstration zones as the starting point to promote the implementation of reforms; the second is to focus on industrial development, improve the protection system, and escort industrial innovation and enterprises to "go global"; The third is to serve the needs of enterprises, optimize the business environment, and build an efficient and coordinated intellectual property protection system; Fourth, we will make every effort to promote the key tasks of the "14th Five-Year Plan" and accelerate the construction of Shanghai's intellectual property competitive advantage.


Hu Wenhui, Deputy Director General of the State Intellectual Property Office, spoke highly of Shanghai's achievements in the field of intellectual property, and pointed out that it is necessary to deeply study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on intellectual property work, and show the world the "golden business card" of Shanghai's intellectual property protection. He proposed four specific paths: first, strengthen the construction of the rule of law and improve the effectiveness of protection; the second is to promote reform and innovation and explore new models; the third is to improve the quality and efficiency of protection and achieve new breakthroughs; Fourth, the service is open to the outside world at a high level and shows new responsibilities.




During the meeting, the good news that Shanghai Xuhui District was approved to build a national intellectual property protection demonstration zone was also read out, and an awarding ceremony was held. In addition, the establishment of the Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Intellectual Property Protection Professional Committee has also added new strength to intellectual property protection. Rui Wenbiao, Director of Shanghai Municipal Intellectual Property Office, Wang Hua, Mayor of Xuhui District, and other leaders made detailed reports and speeches on the construction and protection of the demonstration zone.


As a representative of the conference, CANTOOP IP Service (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. felt a great responsibility. Mr. Yuan Dade, President of the company, said that he would actively respond to the government's call, thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the conference, continue to improve the level of professional services, and provide all-round support and services for the creation, application, protection and management of intellectual property rights. At the same time, the company will also actively participate in the construction of the demonstration zone, work hand in hand with all parties to jointly promote the development of intellectual property protection, and contribute to the innovation-driven development strategy of Shanghai and even the whole country.


The convening of this conference not only demonstrates the great importance and firm determination of Shanghai to the protection of intellectual property rights, but also provides valuable opportunities for intellectual property service institutions to communicate and learn. CANTOOP IP Service (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. will take this opportunity to continuously improve its own strength and service level, and contribute more wisdom and strength to the cause of intellectual property protection.