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The 2nd CIFIT Intellectual Property Protection Forum and Quality Assurance Committee's 2021-2022 Top Ten


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The 2nd CIFIT Intellectual Property Protection Forum and Quality Assurance Committee's 2021-2022 Top Ten Case Sharing Conference was held in Xiamen

675 times2022-09-14

On September 8, the "2nd China International Trade and Investment Fair Intellectual Property Protection Forum and Quality Assurance Committee 2021-2022 Top Ten Case Sharing Meeting" hosted by the China Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investment and undertaken by the Quality Brand Protection Committee was successfully held in Xiamen. Yang Guoyong, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Foreign Investment Administration of the Ministry of Commerce, attended and delivered a speech.

With the theme of "Innovation Leads a Healthy Life", the forum focused on topics such as "Intellectual Property Double Work", "Construction of Intellectual Property Protection System", "Promoting Innovation, Strengthening the Relationship between Intellectual Property Protection and Healthy Life", "Intellectual Property Protection Practice", and "Top Ten Cases of the Quality Assurance Committee". The forum was chaired by Cao Hongying, Executive Vice President of the China Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investment, and the panel discussion on "Intellectual Property Protection Practices" was moderated by Shao Keliang, Head of Product Safety at Sanofi China.

More than 100 people from the central and local levels of intellectual property related departments, representatives of law enforcement units, experts and scholars, business associations and enterprise representatives participated in the forum on-site or online.

Yu Bo, Customer Service Director of Cairtopo Intellectual Property Services (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. and Attorney for Rights Holders, was invited to speak at the seminar session of the "Top Ten Cases of the Year of the Quality Assurance Committee". He introduced one of the selected typical cases to the conference, and shared the current situation of the governance of the counterfeit industry chain through the OTO model in response to the counterfeit registered trademark case.

He said that at the moment of the epidemic, infringement has been further spread in domestic and even foreign markets through online channels, and the losses caused to rights holders have also increased. In this regard, rights holders can improve their intellectual property protection by strengthening daily online monitoring, link deletion, OTO criminal crackdown, customs training, etc. In addition, considering the impact of the epidemic on normal production and business activities, how to strengthen interaction and cooperation with law enforcement departments at all levels to ensure that the goal of rights protection work is achieved within a limited time is also one of the issues that rights holders need to face and solve.