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Happy Mid-Autumn Festival | "Spend a good moon and · love Kane Top" Mid-Autumn Festival tea party


During the Mid-Autumn Festival, the clouds are sparse and foggy, the moonlight is bright and bright, as a festival symbolizing reunion, a poetic festival, from ancient times to the present, the Mid-Autumn Festival customs have been passed down endlessly, and have been given new meanings, strongly embodying the common culture and value orientation of the Chinese nation, and condensing the common national spirit.

In order to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, Kane Topology Intellectual Property sent Mid-Autumn Festival benefits to employees, and specially held the Mid-Autumn Festival Tea Party of "Flowers and Full of Love · Kane Top" this afternoon, and the company also carefully prepared mooncakes, snacks, fruits, drinks, etc. for everyone.

Under the chairmanship of President Mr. Yuan Dade, the tea party was full of laughter and laughter. Everyone changed the rigor and seriousness of the past, put down the hard work of the weekdays, spoke freely, and conveyed a joyful and peaceful atmosphere, so that each other could truly feel the harmony, warmth, youth and vitality of the company.

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The Mid-Autumn Festival is full of affection, and the full moon is reunited.

On the occasion of the Mid-Autumn Festival, thank you for your continued support and care, and wish all colleagues and families of Kane Topology Intellectual Property and all our customers a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, a happy family, good health and all the best!


Cairtopology Intellectual Property Services (Shanghai) Co., Ltd

September 9, 2022