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The 2021 year-end summary meeting and New Year's party of Kane Topology Company was successfully held!


The 2021 annual work summary meeting was held in Shanghai from January 20 to January 21, 2022 at the headquarters of Kane Top, and the reports were carried out from multiple perspectives such as "comprehensively combing the completion of the work in 2021", "cohesion and cohesion to deepen the discussion of work progress", and "pragmatic and new ideas to continue to promote the development of the industry", which comprehensively demonstrated the achievements, existing problems and the current situation of industry development in 2021 in multiple dimensions.

At the same time, in view of the problems in operation and management, each team does not shy away from it, focuses on enterprise development, seeks solutions, strengthens implementation, and abides by the company's standards.

We are well aware that summarizing represents the past, and deficiencies are the starting point of struggle, and all departments focus on the work goals for 2022, investigate problems, find solutions, and set the tone for the work plan for the new year.

Experience sharing, learning and improvement

At the meeting, the top team elites also shared their experience of "receiving customers and developing customers", and they were deeply impressed and benefited from various practical skills and dry goods.

Share experience with each other, share learning, learn from each other's strengths, absorb useful nutrients for yourself, so that the whole team can get greater improvement in the future work.

One heart and one mind, one heart and one mind

Mr. Yuan Dade, CEO of Kane Top, delivered a speech on the spot: Inspire all to create new brilliance with new ideas, new methods and new actions, and emphasized that the company will continue to be guided by customers and market demand, and attract more high-quality customers for win-win cooperation with excellent service. Constantly strengthen their own cultivation, improve their internal strength, take the initiative in precision marketing, and go all out.







The 2021 annual summary meeting and New Year's party of Kane Topology Company came to an end in the staggered planning and everyone's blessings, in the coming days, let us go hand in hand, forge ahead, and look forward to a new start in 2022!