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Industry News | Improve the energy level and serve the overall situation! The work promotion meeting of Shanghai Intellectual Property Protection Center was held


In his speech, Rui Wenbiao pointed out that it is necessary to improve the position, fully understand the importance of building the Shanghai Protection Center, take the initiative to shoulder the important mission of supporting the construction of the Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Center and the construction of a strong intellectual property city, accelerate the construction of a full-chain, one-stop intellectual property collaborative protection system, and promote the Shanghai Protection Center to play its functions, improve its energy level, and better integrate into the overall situation of reform and development.

Rui Wenbiao emphasized that it is necessary to strive for first-class and continue to improve the level of rapid and collaborative protection of intellectual property rights. Enhance the capacity of rapid pre-examination services, strengthen the construction of patent pre-examination teams, and expand the coverage of rapid pre-examination services. Actively extend the protection service chain, strengthen the ability to deal with overseas intellectual property disputes, expand the function of patent navigation services, and strongly support the development of regional industries and the research of key core technologies.

Rui Wenbiao pointed out that it is necessary to strengthen linkage and cooperation, deepen the linkage and complementary advantages of the Shanghai Conservation Center and Pudong Conservation Center, and promote the construction of protection centers in more mature areas. It is necessary to integrate high-quality resources and professional services for judicial and administrative protection, and work together to create a new situation of coordinated protection of intellectual property rights.

At the meeting, the "Letter on Agreeing to the Acceptance of the Shanghai Intellectual Property Protection Center" was read out from the Office of the State Intellectual Property Office, and the relevant functions and services of the Shanghai Protection Center were introduced. The Business Reception Hall of Shanghai Intellectual Property Protection Center was officially opened. The relevant enterprises were awarded the first invention patent certificate.

It is reported that the Shanghai Protection Center has officially opened the pre-trial service platform to the public in November last year, and the first batch of 107 enterprises have filed and declared, and two pre-trial cases have been authorized. The center has set up a professional team of 80 mediators, set up 24 sub-centers (workstations) for intellectual property rights protection assistance, and set up an expert think tank for overseas intellectual property dispute response guidance. The center was selected as the first batch of national patent navigation service bases, providing patent analysis and early warning services to help enterprises innovate and develop. In the next step, the Shanghai Protection Center will further strengthen the capacity building of patent pre-examination, promote the high-quality development of pre-examination, strengthen the construction of a collaborative protection system, build a large-scale protection pattern, and strengthen the ability of intellectual property research and comprehensive application.

Representatives of Xuhui District Intellectual Property Office, Shanghai Hydrogen Chen New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., and G60 Lingang Songjiang Science and Technology City Rights Protection Assistance Workstation made exchange speeches at the meeting. More than 80 people attended the meeting, including relevant departments of the Municipal Intellectual Property Office, relevant leading comrades of the Intellectual Property Office of various districts and Pudong Protection Center, representatives of filing entities, representatives of agencies, and members of rights protection assistance workstations.

Source: Shanghai Intellectual Property Office