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Company News | CANTOOP participated in the first session of the "Technology Trade and Innovative Development" series of trainings in 2024.


On the afternoon of March 12, 2024, the seventh session of the "Technology Trade and Innovative Development" series of trainings, themed "Regulatory Trends and Compliance Responses in Cross-border Data Flows," was successfully held at the Party and Masses Service Center in Zhuanqiao Town, Minhang District. The training was hosted by the Shanghai International Technology Import and Export Promotion Center and received strong support from the Organization Department of the CPC Minhang District Committee, the Third Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Security, and the CPC Zhuanqiao Town Committee of Minhang District. It was also organized by the Shanghai Intellectual Property Service Industry Association.

As a member unit of the Shanghai Intellectual Property Service Industry Association, CANTOOP IP Service (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. participated in the training throughout and gained a deep understanding of China's major regulatory policies and compliance requirements, enabling it to better grasp and predict new regulatory trends and developments.

During the training, Professor Chen Changsong, a researcher at the Third Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Security, a Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of Science and Technology of China, and a postdoctoral researcher in computer science from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, delivered an in-depth special lecture and interactive discussion. Professor Chen covered various aspects such as the background, importance, regulatory policies, and common scenarios of data cross-border flows for enterprises, emphasizing the two key areas of data security construction - data security assurance and data circulation utilization. At the same time, Professor Chen also provided a detailed introduction to China's major regulatory policies and compliance requirements, including data localization and three compliance paths for data exports.

During the exchange and discussion session, Mr. Li Minjie, the director of CANTOOP's Business Development Department, raised insightful questions regarding judicial cooperation between China and the United States and the pathways for cross-border data flows, drawing on the company's experience in assisting national law enforcement agencies in combating intellectual property infringement crimes both domestically and internationally. Professor Chen Changsong provided detailed answers, pointing out that formal judicial institutions in China can cooperate with relevant service providers in the United States by issuing legal documents requiring cooperation in investigations or seeking international cooperation through public security agencies to address related issues.

Through this training, CANTOOP has gained a profound understanding of the importance of cross-border data flows in the current globalized context and the necessity of adhering to relevant regulatory policies and compliance requirements. At the same time, the company has also gained a clearer understanding and prediction of new regulatory trends and developments. In the future, CANTOOP will continue to strengthen its compliance awareness, strengthen risk prevention and control, and provide better quality services to its clients. This training has provided beneficial references and insights for the company's development in the fields of technology trade and innovative development.