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Industry Hot Spots | The Ministry of Public Security has deployed the "Kunlun 2023" special operation


The Ministry of Public Security held a video conference on the mobilization and deployment of the "Kunlun 2023" special action on the 21st, deploying public security organs across the country to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, adhere to the people-centered, adhere to the overall planning of development and security, and solidly carry out the "Kunlun 2023" special action, severely crack down on outstanding violations and crimes in the fields of food, medicine, environmental protection and intellectual property rights in accordance with the law, make every effort to prevent risks, ensure safety, protect stability, and promote the implementation of various tasks, and strive to create a safe and stable environment for the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country.

The Ministry of Public Security requires that the focus of the crackdown should be highlighted, focusing on food safety, drug safety, intellectual property protection, pollution prevention and control, wildlife protection, environmental resource security and biological security, maintaining a high-pressure deterrent situation, improving the quality and efficiency of the crackdown and rectification, and effectively ensuring the people's "safety on the tip of the tongue", the safety of medical drugs, and the safety of production and life, effectively serving innovation and development, guarding the green mountains and clear waters, and promoting the harmonious coexistence of man and nature. It is necessary to take the initiative to serve the overall situation, closely focus on major national strategies such as food security, rural revitalization, black soil protection, and high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and severely crack down on illegal and criminal activities related to the field of food, medicine and environmental protection in accordance with local conditions and in accordance with the law, and effectively play an escort role. It is necessary to innovate the concept of crackdown, further strengthen the crackdown at the source, and resolutely investigate and deal with the organizers and profiteers of the entire criminal chain; Strengthen regional cooperation and carry out coordinated crackdowns on gang-based and cross-regional crimes; Strengthen the investigation and handling of major cases, and through various methods such as listing supervision and handling and upgrading investigations, to achieve the target of "hitting the source, ending the den, destroying the network, breaking the chain, and checking the flow direction".

The Ministry of Public Security demanded that departmental cooperation should be further strengthened, the connection between executions and executions should be strengthened, the mechanism for transferring cases and joint rectification should be improved, and a joint force should be formed to crack down on and rectify the situation, and vigorously promote systematic governance, governance in accordance with the law, comprehensive management, and governance at the source. It is necessary to raise the level of law enforcement, make full use of existing legal weapons, adhere to the criminal policy of blending leniency and severity, strengthen relevant legal and policy safeguards, and strive to achieve the unity of legal, social, and political effects. It is necessary to strengthen organizational leadership, strictly supervise and promote, strengthen support and guarantees, pay close attention to the implementation of work, and ensure that the special action achieves practical results. It is necessary to adhere to the political construction of the police, continue to promote the revolutionary, regularized, professional and professional construction of the food and drug investigation team, and continuously promote the high-quality development of food and drug investigation work.

It is understood that since last year, public security organs across the country have carried out the "Kunlun 2022" special action to crack down on crimes in the fields of food, medicine, environmental protection and intellectual property rights, and have detected more than 84,000 criminal cases, effectively safeguarding social stability and the legitimate rights and interests of the people, and serving high-quality development.

Source: State Intellectual Property Office