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Hit the scene | The amount involved is more than 1,000 yuan, and more than 50,000 pieces are seized! The road and bridge public security cracked the case of counterfeit brand chargers


March 9-10

The Road and Bridge Branch of the Taizhou Public Security Bureau is divided into three roads

In Shenzhen, Guangdong, Jiangmen and Weihai, Shandong

Successfully smashed the charger of a well-known brand

There are 5 dens of various types

12 suspects were arrested

Coercive measures were taken against 5 people

More than 50,000 chargers involved in the case were seized

The amount involved amounted to more than 1,000 yuan

And behind this case

The cause is just a small charger......

At the end of February, the Food and Drug Ring Brigade of the Luqiao Public Security Bureau received a report from the public, saying that the price of chargers and headphones and other products purchased online was much lower than that of the original products, and it was suspected that they were fakes. The sub-bureau attached great importance to it and immediately organized capable police forces to carry out investigation work.

The informant is the owner of a shop in the Digital City of Luqiao District, Taizhou City, who found an account while browsing a short video app, which often posts videos of a well-known brand of chargers, headphones and other packaging videos, and advertises it as a "source manufacturer". So, he added a friend of the other party and said that he wanted to buy the product, and the other party immediately recommended him a variety of products from various well-known brands, and the price of the product was much lower than the original price.

"The charger that originally cost about a few tens of yuan is much cheaper here in this manufacturer, and there will not be such a cheap price for normal sales." Li Yong, deputy captain of the food and medicine ring, introduced. After investigation, Liu, the user of the account, knew that there was no authorization, in order to achieve the purpose of illegal profits, operated counterfeit chargers, earphones, data cables and other electronic products, and sold them to lower-level dealers and customers across the country, with a large sales volume, and the amount involved amounted to more than 500 yuan.

Through further digging into the case, the police found that Liu's factory in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province was actually a storage den, and there were two supply sources of counterfeit products behind her, which continuously delivered goods to her. As a result, the police conducted an in-depth investigation into the production of Liu's last home, and accurately landed in the counterfeiting factories in Weihai, Shandong and Jiangmen, Guangdong, both of which had counterfeiting behaviors and large production scales, and the total amount involved in the case had reached more than 1,000 yuan.

After preliminary research and judgment and on-site squatting, from March 9th to 10th, the Luqiao police carried out a unified centralized network collection operation, and arrested the suspects Liu, Wang, Jiang, Gao and Che in one fell swoop.

At present, the case is being further handled.

Source: Luqiao Public Security